The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)

the the 6. THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1941 23 Taft State Guard Bolstered by 54 Recruits poured in at the EX Monday night meeting of the Taft unit of the Californin State Guard, 64 having names to the roster at that time. These, For Sale Sale--Miscellaneous FIVE pump, with 286-gallon upright hand underground gasoline tank. Also five-yard dump truck with and Heil hoiat. Phone 6-6998.

114 BEAUTIFUL largo Reversible two-tone body. wicker Rubber tire wheels. Chromium trim. A bargain. Phone 2-4437, 113 STOOL'S, needlepoint, treated, complete, $5.50, $8.

Remnants enough for any chair, $2.75 yard. Snow's, 607 East Nineteenth. Phone 2-3911. 127 Used Tractor Bargains Model John Deere $150 16-30 McCormick-Decring $200 T-20 McCormickoverhauled $075 20 Caterpillar $305 TA-40 McCormick-Deering overhnuled $1350 WC Allis Chahners $750 F-12 Farmall $350 CO Case on rubber $400 F-30 Farinall $750 Regular Farmall $270 Investigate Our Income Purchase Plan A. H.

Karpe's Implement House 010 Last Nineteenth Dial 0-0071 115 TAYLOR tot baby walker. 1501 PAcific. 114 USED Maytag washer, excellent condition. $49.95. Easy terms.

on balcony at Welll's. SALE--Man's suit, size 28 to 40. Guaranteed worn six times. $16. Private party.

Phono 2-0491. 114 FOR SALE-Large soft-shelled pecans, 827 Lomita Drive, Casa Loma Acres. Phone 2-7265. 115 GENTLEMEN'S and. boys' overcoats, suits, pants, jackets, leather jackets, Tuxedos for rent or sale.

Ladies' atook suits, to coats, pick from. jackets, Qualities dresses. in Big all styles. Peters Cleaners, 1818 Q. Radios, Musical Instruments USED PIANOS.

Big stock to choose from. All reconditioned and fully guaranteed. prices to be found anywhere. Easy terms, with no finance company involved. See our pianos and compare our prices before you buy.

Phillips Music Company, 1010 Nineteenth street. 114 ESTEY spinet piano, be acquired" by taking over contract plus payment for equity, Call 1814 Quincy or call 2-0141. 115 UPRIGHT piano, mahogany case, in good condition. Phone 2-4437. 113 LATEST model 8-tube automatic dio phonograph.

Changes as many as 12 records. $99.50. 1615 Easy Nineteenth Jack street. 113 GOOD used practice piano, $39.50 to $89.50. Terms, $1.25 weekly, Jack Toon 1615 Nincteenth street.

113 A FEW new 1941 Philco radios at duced prices. Easy terms. On balcony at Weill's. Typewriters, Office Supplies FOR SALE--New Stenotype mochine, used for practice, only halt dozen times, reasonable. Phone 2-2539.

Fruits and Vegetables EXTRA fancy Christmas packed oranges. Remember the folks buck home. No advance in price. Schertz Orange Rancho. Phone 2-3014.

128 TOMATOES, green and ripe, 35c lug. container, Shed at Sixteenth and streets. 114 FRESH pomegranate juice for sale. Highly recommended for diabetes and rheumatism. 325 Fourteenth avenue, West Delano.

Deliver to Bakersfield every Monday. E. Moore, Box 211, Delano. Poultry and Livestock BABY chicks every day. 100 per cent blood tested.

Come and see. Brooders, feed supplies. Riverview Hatchery, 215 Roberts Lano. Phone 2-9305. 113 HEAVY white-faced springer COW8 and fat steers.

Phone 2-6026 after 6 p. m. 118 BABY CHICKS We are now hatching best grade of egga from the famous Lindstrom flock of Missouri. In 1938, 1939 and 1940 Lindstrom hens won more egg laying contests, championships, In more different breeda than any other breeder birds. These chicks can be had now for 12c; also started chicks.

One mile east of Mountain View School. Phone 4-4310 or 2-2023. Crandall Poultry Farm. 122 SINGLE comb White Leghorn chicks, commercial grade, 7c; New lampshire Reds, mixed, 10c. Hardin Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif.

112 FOR SALE -Extra good team of horses, 1500 pounds each, 8 and 9 years old, with harness. Call Cousing Tractor Company, phone 6-6711. 113 FOR SALE- milk goats, 5 bred rabbit does, 1 giant white buck, Rexsonable. W. W.

Fraser, Route 5, Box 113-D. Pioneer Drive, mile east of Fairfax Road: 113 TWO fresh young cows, 3. gallons each also springing heifers, sey8 and Holsteins. Phone 2-3163. 114 FOR SALE-One fine Morgan horse.

See at Bar-O Stable, 1 mile east of China grade on Kern River Park road. 118 AUCTION Community sale Thursday, December 11,, 9:30, usual at Greenfield. Furniture the line of what have you. Livestock and poultry. will well at auction next Monday, Decomber 15, at 12:30 12 tractors, tractor discs, and other farm machinery at Burrough'8 Feed Store in McFurland.

No sale at Greenfleld ChristINAR Day. W. E. Osborn, auctioneer. Dial 2-8074.

113 THIRTEEN Rhode Island Red hens and 6 black Cornish hens and roomters. 1006 Flower street. 113 ORDER your Christmas goose now. Young and tender, 250 lb. Phone 2-0703.

118 COLORED fryers, pound. WIll dreAR. Also pullets, $1 apiece, Phone 3-0753. 114 400 HEREFORD calves, steers and heifers: 200 Hereford yearlings, mostly steers, all vaccinated double, acclimated, ready to go: 200 steers, around 2 years old, native, several young Palomino also brood mares, colts by side, including one sorrel registered Morgan. R.

Lee Pollard, 1 mile west Semi- Tropic School. 115 For Exchange--Miscellaneous HUNTER'S LUCK -Have new Ithaca father light 16-pump to trade for 12-pamp. Phone 2-2217. For Sale---improved Farms 215 Delano district. Good houser, outbuildings, wells in grapes, cotton.

$236 per acre. Good terms. 80 ACRES, Delano district. Good house and shed. This la good cotton land, is mostly In grapes.

$165 per acre. Good terms. 820 ACRES, Delano district, houses, plenty of water. 180 acres cotton history. $160 per acre.

200 ACRES. Weed Patch district. Good well, goud soll, cotton, alfalfa and milo maize. All tools and impleMenincome. ranch $210 that per acre.

Good terma. 100 ACRES. Wasco: house and plenty of water: choice location; cotton, potatoes and alfalfa. $210 per acre. Terma.

creased our production government and asking prices for on the inIncrease, a good farmer should pay for any of these ranches in three to four years. If these do not fit your wants, come in and talk it over, I k. might have juat what you need. ELMER MARTIN Phone 2-0294 220 Haberfeldo Bldg. Play Safe by buying 40 acros, best soll and location grapes, cotton and alfalfa, 5-1'00m house and other bulldings: electric pumping plant and completo pipe.

line, $4000 handles. San quin Agency. Edward W. Moody. Phone 2-0653, evenings 2-5336, 114 For Exchange -Property WILL TRADE large, well-located lot in Skyline for a small inexpensive house.

What have you? Phone 4-4252. 113 FOR SALE OR TRADE Clean new 2-bedroom home and KArage. Modern in every manner. Lot $31 monthly, $3100. 60x135.

Accept anything down. Ken Mynatt, phone 2-4386. 114 For Sale--Trailers TRAILER AXLES with 16-inch wheels $10.50 17-Inch wheels $8.00 With 19-inch wheels $6.00 Friedman 1310 Eighteenth Phone 2-0478 11-12-tf NEW Weatcrafts, Traveleers and Westwoods on display. We buy, sell, rent used trallers, also tane equipment. John J.

McClean, Bakerafield's pioneer trailer dealer. 1916 Nineteenth street. We finance. 12-1-tf For Sale- -Automobiles Rainy Days AND Smooth Tires Make a combination. Drive your present car in and get a reconditioned O.

car with good tires. Our stock of fine late model used cars gives you a choice to fit your needs. 1040 SPECIAL 5-PASSENGER COUPEpractically new tires, upholstery like new. Only $898 1930 FORD FORDOR SEDANNew finish, fine mechanically, good rubber, a real buy nt $358 These are only two of the many cars in our stock. Come in and look them over.

Cadillacs, Buicks, Chevrolets, Plymouths, Fords at prices 80 low they will surprise you. Motor Center HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CARS -second and Chester Twenty-first and Streets If you are going to keep your present car drive in and equip it with Squeezee Tread General tires and be safe on wet roads. 13-3-tt Bargain Specials All These Cars Priced for Quick Turnover NO REASONABLE OFFER TURNED DOWN Our Lifetime Guarantee Backs Every Sale 1036 Terraplane Sedan 1036 Hudson Coupe 1935 Lafayete 1934 Lafayette Coupe 1933 Chrysler Sedan 1936 Pontiac Sedan 1036 Pontiac Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coach 1032 Plymouth Sedan Geo. Haberfelde 1440 CHESTER OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 11-4-tf Cash FOR YOUR OAR OR EQUITY We also have some good late models at reasonable prices. See me before buying or- your car.

Porterfield's Phone 2-7908 2820 Chester Avenue 11-4-tt 1941 Ford flat bed, low mileage, 2-speed axle $995 1941 GMC 11-ton, like new $745 GMC pickup, demonstrator, few miles, liberal discount. 1939 Plymouth coupe $575 1937 Dodge sedan, clean $475 1937 Ford sedan' $375 1935 Plymouth touring sedan $295 LOTS OF GOOD our new location, Twenty-fourth and "Eye" Streets Southern Garage 12-5-tr 1940 Chrysler Cabriolet, de luxe Windsor model, original silver gray finish, matic top, custom radio, loaded with extras, mechanically perfect: Ilere's a renl Christmas present, that will be appreciated. 2210 Chester avenue. 12-6-tt FORCED to sell, 1985 Chrysler sedan, Good mechanical condition. Very dependable car, Be seen at Richfield station, Twenty-first and Highway 09.

1941 61 CADILLAC six-passenger. 12,000 miles. Nine old. Perfect throughout. Sacrifice $1495.

Phone 39, Tehachapi 115 1'1 For Sale--Autemebiles For Sale--Automobiles Bakersfield's Greatest Sale om Used Cars Look at These Bargains 1941 Mercury Club Coupe--Original black Anish, very low milenge. It's just like new $1045 1941 Pontine Coupe--Original wine Anish. This car is perfect throughout $035 1940 Pontiac De Luxe -Lovely gray finish, swell motor, good tires. It's really $835 1940 Ford De Luxe Coupe--Original wine finish, perfect motor, good tires, lots of extras, radio $720 1038 Chevrolet Coupe--Beautiful beige finish, nice motor, swell tires. This car clean throughout $335 1937 Pontiac Sedan--Gorgeous green finish, perfect motor, good tires, very low milenge.

Best car in town $485 1037 Chrysler Royal Six Sedan new black finish, good motor, swell tires, radio $475 1937 Plymouth 2 2-Door Sednn-Excellent motor, good upholstery, new tires, henter. This is a bargain $405 1037 Plymouth Coupe--Beautiful finish, good upholstery, excellent motor, radio $435 1937 Ford Pickup $335 1033 Plymouth Coupe $105 1934 Chevrolet Coupe $225 1031 Chevrolet Cabriolet $05 WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE--WE GUARANTEE Chief Pontiac Trading Post Baker-Adams Motor Company Pontiac Distributors 2007 Chester Avenue Phone 9-0745 Used Trucks and Automobiles 1940 International Truck $1150 1939 International 1-ton Truck $505 1039 International Pickup $505 1936 International Pickup $365 1934 International Pickup $245 1936 International Panel $345 1087 Studebnker Pickup $365 1986 Oldsmobile Coupe $840 1021: Ford Coupe $65 1929 Ford Pickup $65 A. H. Karpe's Implement House 615 East Eighteenth Street Phone 9-0671 After 6 P. 6-0883 11-22-tt Play Safe! BUY USED CARS at the DODGE-PLYMOUTHI Bakersfield Garage USED CAR LOT 20th Street Between and Sts.

JUST WEST OF FOX THEATER 11-18-tf Used Cars Never Knowingly Undersold EVERY CAR GUARANTEED See CHIEF PONTIAC TRADING POST 2106 Chester Phone 9-9745 11-12-tf FOR SALE-1929 Model Ford sedan; good condition. $45 cash. Can be seen at any time at 1110 Flower street, Cast Bakersfield, FOR SALE-Private owner, 1937 Pontiac 6 coupe, $444; 1940 Chevrolet sedan, $689. Both very clean cars. Insured.

Call or write, 249 rengo street, Shafter. 115 PHONE 5-5991. Ask for Mr. Oliver for demonstration in new bile, standard or hydromatio drive. Also used cars, all makes.

116 FOR SALE-1931 Model A Ford. Cheap cash. 2005 Truxtun avenue, between 6 and 8 p. m. 113 '37 MODEL 46 Special Buick coupe.

Mechanically excellent. Good paint. '35 model 8-72 Graham sedan. New top, new battery, good rubber. Private owner.


113 Automotive Service, Parts BODY and tender repairing, auto painting, motor reconditioning, starBlue Ribbon Phone 2-6074, 1916 Nineteenth. Fred J. Mulroy and W. H. Balley.

10-7-tf do work car. Five years TRAINED mechanic will with local dealer. Can give you halt. off on labor charge. Free estimates on any overhaul job.

All work guaranteed. 2800 Sevier street. Phone 2-3340. 131 Motorcycles and Bicycles BICYCLE for sale cheap: practically new, two speeds. 613 Water street, Keith addition.

115 For Sale -Furniture, Fixtures BARGAIN front this bar, week. steam Counters, tables, meat block. stools, restaurant a stoves, meat cases, booths, tables, chairs, dishes, glasses; scales, mixers. 718 West. Nineteenth.

Oswald rant Supply. 121 GRAND OPENING SPECIALS BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS occasional tables $3.45 Hand-decorated table lamps $4.95 $89.50 innerspring mattresses $29.95 $47.50 Bed $27.95 3-piece walnut bedroom suite $44.95 8-piece walnut dining room suite $04.95 3-piece Duncan Phyffe bedroom suite in mahogany, $109.50 value. Now $89.95 8-piece Duncan Phyffe dining suite in mahogany or or walnut. Regular $129.50 value. Now $99.50 Cedar chests from $14.95 Broadloom carpets, regular $4.25 value, special per square yard $2.98 No interest or carrying charges.

Remember, no one can extend you easier terms. SUMMER'S 430 East Nineteentl Street Phone 9-9601 12-2-tt GAS heater, large size. 1501 Pacific street. 114 FOR SALE -Refrigerator in 'extra good condition, $40. Phone 2-0179 or call at 2508 Loma Linda Drive.

113 Personal Mention GERALD AND HAROLD ESTEP, twin song of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Olmstead, 608 street, a1'0 both located in permanent positions it WAS learned here today.

Gerald Estep has just finished his tice teaching at University of Southern California, receiving his state vocational credential and has accepted position to teach at Federal Airport, San Diego. Harold Estep la nt mento In the federal civil service rating burenu. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE HEN.

DRICKS have returned to their home in Lost filla after pending the week end in San Diego with Mra. Hendricks' father, who 1g very 111. MR. AND MRS. J.

G. PATTERSON, who have been vialting Mr. and Mra. M. A.

Monsen in Lost Ills the part week, have returned to their home in Los Angeles. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WALKER and MisA Sophie Pitch. All of Holly.

wood, wore gueata of Mr. and Mra. Forrest Warren of Parland. MONDAY overnight guests in Fellows at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Young were their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mra. Clyde Paschel of Bakerafield. THE MONTILY MEETING of the Fellows Chamber of Commerce that was to have been held tomornight at the school, has been called off. MRA.

A. B. HEINRICH, president of the McFarland Parent Teacher gociation, announced that zone' community defense tion headquarters will be lished sponsorship of the A. at the McFarland Grange hall next week. PRIVATE JACK CAUCH of the air service and nephew of Mr.

and Mra. James Allen of Lebee, had his furlough cut short by the emergency call Sunday, while iting his parents. To returned to his base at Albuquerque curly Sunday nfternoon. MIR. AND MRS.

PAUL JACK and daughter, Judith Elnine, spent several days recently at tho home of Mra. parenta, Mr. and Mra. 11. 1.

Anderson, in Fresno. MR. AND MRS. J. C.

FURRY of Highland Park motored to Comp. ton recontly to visit Mr. Furry's brother and wife, Mr. and Mra. A.

L. Furry, MR. AND MRS. JOHN SARGENT of Lost IIilla had as their guest for two days their daughter and sonin-law, Mr. and Mra, Gene Kibele and son, of Lemoore.

MR. AND MRS. DINAMORE PAR18IL of McFarland had as their re. cent vialtor their grandson, Carroll Parish. of Log Angeles.

JOE Monday SCOTT night of from Fellows the Santa returned Fe Hospital in LOR Angeles where he received medical treatment. Red Cross Collections Near $8000; Sign 5512 Members Reports on Red Cross collections and memberships: 5262 Annuals ($1.00) 154 Contributing ($5.00) 42 Sustaining ($10.00) 54 Supporting ($25.00) 5512 Total Memberships $7802.00 Total Collected speeded to new pitch, members WITH local defense activities of the Bakersfield chapter of the American Red Cross toduy reported a total membership of 6512 and cash collections of $7802 in the 1041 annual roll call. Memberships registered today clude 5262 annuala 164 contributing 42 Hustulning and 54 supporting New members signed up yesterday include: Seven dollars was turned In by Mrs. Norman McKenzie from Rod Croay table in the Anglo California National Bank for the following: Doland Goff, Paul E. Baer, B.

Pump Exchange, T. Hi. Mettler, Ruth Ellie, Belle Collins. Seven dollars WAM sent In by Mra. Patrick O'Hanrahan for Women of the Moose, as follows: Mra.

1'. O'Hanrahan, D. Simos, L. Copes, Mrs. 11.

Freeman, Women of the Moose, den Sherk. Mra. Marc Lindsay turned in $28 for the Woman's Club, for the following: Mra. H. B.

DeLacey, Mre. Emeretta Hybrandt, Mr. and Mra. M. C.

Parker, Mr. and Mra, J. P. McKean, Mrs. L.

P. Sorensen, MiRg Maud Metcalf, Mra. V. N. Mickelberry, Martanet D.

Gar. dett, Mrs. Burke, Mra. Oscar Tomerlin, Maza Bailey, Mrs. Marc Minnio Rose, Mrs.

Ben inndworth, Mrs. Geo. GIll, Bra. H. L.

Klakoff, Mrs. D. S. Strickland, Alice H. West, 1.

J. Frank, Mra. Harold Woodward, Mra, Hollingsworth, Mr. A. Vitt.

Three dollars Santa Fe Ice Plant employer, AN follows: M. (1. Moore, W. V. Compton, E.

P. Trinkeller. Five dollars Cast Bakerafield Progressive Club, $9 Franklin School, for the following: Caroline Harris, Edythe Bandettini, Betty May Bell, Elanor Brady Voorhles, Joy Fissum, Bernie son, Burnetta Chase, $7 city school Alexander, Edith Fox, Laila riet warehouse, Warner, Wyatt Drennan, C. Harry for following: HarKrough, L. E.

Tilden, E. L. Dahl, Glenn Mra. Glenn Warren. Twenty-five dollars Kern Valley Packing Company, $25 E.

T. Me. Adama. Fifty dollars Oscar Rudnick, $62 employes of the Kern Valley W. Packing Company, a8 Mra, follows: R.

Rempol, Little, Ed Tex Chanley, Birdie Ffelated, Sam Rudnick, Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Claire, Mike Sarolberry, Arnold Erlbone, W.

P. Bradbury, Wiison, Welch. Ernest Zucco, John Reuben Malthy, Eddie Spratten, Albert Kreng, John A. Schuster, Goo. Haberman, Preston B.

Broach, Manuel Abair, Joe Cunningham, Herman Peterson, Carter, Mark Parks, Kinnie Davis, Eddie Fred Eisner, Hitch llerzel, Louts Castro, 'G. Schiller, Vincent Garrone, E. E. Guttierrez, Jimmie Albitre, Leroy Stevenson, Bautista Owen Perry, R. L.

McKay, Zella HerAlbitre, Theotia Rivers, Willie Burton, L. zel, L. Johnson, Henry Bernark, Floyd Claude Carter, Sandy DiGiovanni, Johna, A. Albitre, Wm. Edwards, Is.

V. Starr, Angelo Aunino, Fred Welch, D. W. Schockleg, Geo. Beaver, Gus Hanr, David Bernard, A.

V. Woodle, Andrew Nelson, Albert Chanley, Ed N. Connell. Wattron, Otto Roake, J. M.

Holtzdam, J. Polkinghorn. Tho sum of $28 was turned for the: Anna Dora RORK, Mra. Ernest H. Kreyenhagen, Anna L.

E. F. Martin, Ada Eggleaton, L. Fall, R. P.

AdamA, D. A. Flora C. GORE, LouRa Tangen, V. L.

Wickatrom, R. G. Gray, E. R. Simpson.

W. G. R. T. Green, E.

T. Cavagnaro, K. E. Milligan, W. T.

Green. McDanel, M. T. Columbia, Hoyt. George 8.

Halifax, Virginia H. M. Clement. An additional $214.35 WAR turned In by Carlton Minner from the Last Bakerafield business district. a8 follows: East Side Roy yon, Silver Spray Pharmacy, Krocker, Jack Cullen, Roy Rose, Tom Morlock.

Ray M. Smith, Ray Buckman, Bob Jones, Paul Pepengen, C. Kush, NaM. Iden, Barsotti, John Hall, Kuhlman, Silver Spray Market, Glen Paulson, A. D.

Hurloy, Frances Campbell. Donice Plebuch. Greta Bantly, Della Crabb, Virginia Brisemuster, McManis, Vida Garrett, Anna D. Hipper, Elate Hornookl, Doris Rosa, Ilazel Ereccesen, Marie (. Dartelt, Lou Luca, Donnie Robinson, Alice Kerachenmann, Eleanor Parker, Charlotte Rumbaugh.

Anna De Bauer, Martha Wall, Stella Lewis, Leona M. Stolber, Elizabeth Smith, Ruth Terese Brown. Muriel Wilson, M. Hendricha, Geneva Adama, Sue Culbertson, Iolen Massey, Meta Schivenigruber, Mary Renzenu, Agnes Tripn, C. Hoyt, beth Shurban, Wilda Pence, Ruth Kirkpatrick, Dr.

George 8. Lambeth, Bahrenburg. John Doughtery, Wilma Wallis, Vesta Alward, Larry ton, Alta Reid, Robert Gregory. Bertha Yates, Bearle M. Saunders, Evelyn Johnson, Jean Preston.

Fred J. Kinase, Charles Holmes, Morris Vemgalick. Nicolas Rilcoff, 0. P. Collier, Mre.

W. D. JAmeR, Grace Elizalde, Pyrenees Cafe, Portino Alderette, C. (rouse, Moorgo Saba, Tanucchi'a Place, Misaion Dress Shop, Fred A. Smith, Maten Smith, Zaul'a, 1.

Armistend; Carroll' Liquor Store. Raker Street Rooms, Haley's Lunch, Pioneer Allen, Ferris Market, C. A. Saints, Del Park, A. A.

Anderson, C. H. Shurban, Mary J. ter, W. 0.

Dibble, Belle Lowry, Frank Noreiga, Mrs. 1. 11. Ahmann, Estella M. Kutzner, Pletcher Dental Henry Matheron, A.

J. Hashim, W. J. McNaul. Mra.

P. J. Cunen. A. J.

Eung, Leo G. Pauly, Mary Grado, C. Caran, M. McCormac, Mra. Ruth B.

Newcomb, Frank Bertano, Harry: Giraud, BIll Lemke. Ollie Hilton, Harvey Pipkin, R. L. Fleming. John Clark.

L. P. Link, Anglo California National Bank, Fred V. Kimble, Aubrey M. AlMrs.

Florence B. Harper, Mra. Illy M. Wolfe. Mra.

E. P. Almny, Mry. Bimat, Washington Junior Fligh School L. M.

Flannery, Ralph Rogers, R. Vivian, W. W. C. R.

Bullock. WIlls Swartz, A. E. Thedaber, BIll Duggins, CIVILIAN DEFENSE PROGRAM SET UP FOR COUNTY added to the original 23 mustered at Bakersfield, make up more than a full company. Drill is being speeded up by meeting both Monday and day nights of each week and it is expected that many more will be taken tomorrow night.

Rifles have been ordered for the men and noncommissioned and commissioned officers will meet on Monday nights for special training. All meetings are held at the Fort and begin at 7 p. 11. According to A. W.

Noon, clerk of the pany, the rush to Join the guard throughout state has been so great that the adjutant general's office has used up the available supply of application blanks. The total strength of the guard is 25,000 and ar additional 10,000 may be authorized. added Monday night were: Lee Marcus Poole, Robert (. 8. Sewell, John Raymond Baker, Robert Smith, Harold E.

Sipes, George Robert Van Conkelberge, Claude Downs, Carlos Jack P. Swaney, Bert C. Maurice Snis. bury, Allen A. Lee, Arnold J.

Smyser. Ralph Lee Duvall, Marvin W. Goode, Leallo Ernest Dewpe, Roy Harold Carpenter, Ben H. Foster, Cecil Howard Murley, Maurice Franklin Hoff, Raymond Frank Pelton. Bennie A.

Martinez, Ray E. Wright, Howard Fay Hall, Arthur Stricklin. Stanley Mulford, Earl Prior, dore Weddle, Oda Von Trogdon, rell Fauke, Albert C. Watts, Vernon W. Van Fossen, Donald Greeson, Alexander James B.

Frazier, Alfred Venter, Jamos Frazier. Nathan Chamberlain, Encil Davis, Harry, L. Lungi, W. Noon, Alma Stanfield, Chauncey A. Barnett, Wendell S.

Fowler, Henry F. Barnes, Glenn A. Griffenth, Frank -M. Dawson. Lewis A.

Throop, Paul James Mott, Adrian I. Maxwell, J. T. Herrod, Charles S. Kitchak.

Edward C. Hodgson, Stephen P. Harding and Albert Johnson. For Sale--Furniture, Fixtures DAVIS FURNITURE COMPANY DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW See our complete line of blankets, bedspreads, mirrors, whatnots, card tables, pictures, table lamps, floor lamps. All types of occasional tables and chairs.

A small deposit will hold any article. Davis Furniture Company, 1400 Chester avenue. 123 VICTORIAN love set, two matching chairs, antique table, desk, combination radio and phonograph, bamboo screen and chairs, drapes, lamp, what -not, carpet; all in excellent condition. Dial 2-2380. Call at Be-Vel "School, 200 Progressive building.

For Sale -Lumber Lumber OWENS-PARKS LUMBER CO. Los Angeles, Calif. 6-30-tf SPECIALS for cash this week only. Best grade certified No. 1 red cedar shingles, $1.35 per bundle; veneer panel, per square foot; bamboo rakes, 15c each.

J. C. Wattenbarger, 1703 North Chester. Open Sundays 8 to 4 for your ience. LUMBER PRICES ARE There isn't room here or we would list our new prices.

But here is an example: No. 1 cedar shingles (the best), $1.29 per bundle; No. 2, $1.09. 90-lb. paper, $2.28 a roll.

1x4 flooring, $66 per 1000 square feet. Everything else at a saving. -town business solicited. Open Sunday morning. If you bought it right you bought HOUTS AND BOX CUT RATE LUMBER YARD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 110 ROBERTS LANE (IN For Sale--Miscellaneous UNDERGROUND gasoline storage tank.

10,000 gallons. J. B. Pump Phone 2-3217. 115 PULVERIZED sheep, dairy and steer fertilizer, also lawn dirt: general trucking.

Call H. J. Hoeppel, 1431 East Truxtun avenue. Phone 3-1727. 135 FRUIT trees, bare root, 3 for $1.

Washington navel orange trees, $1.75. Camelias, 40c each. Shrubs and shade trees. Golden State Nursery, 700 Twenty-fourth. 136 SCOOTERS- Auto-Glides, many new models; 100 miles per galIon.

Also some good used ones, 3800 Niles street. Phone 2-9475. 115 WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED For frlendly personal service on any electrical or gas appliance, call Bob Wood. Phone 2-4877. General ServIce Company, 612 Goodman.

124 GOOD used refrigerator, 6-foot size. Perfect condition, guaranteed, $59.50. Terms, $1.25 weekly. Jack Toon 1615 Nineteenth street. 113 FRUIT TE TREES, 3 for $1.

Washington navel orange trees, $1.75. Camellas, 40c. Arborviteas, 35c. These prices until Christmas. 700 Twentyfourth.

136 WASHER repairs. Reasonable. Guaranteed service. All makes. "We finish the work on time." Witham Booth, Fox theater bullding, phone 4-4065.

11-29-tf HOTPOINT refrigerators, gas and electric ranges. New and used. Barnett Tire Company, Twenty-second and Chester. Phone 6-6091. 12-1-tf TRACTOR tires, tubes, used, 12.75x28, 9.00x36, 7.50x28, 7.50x36: also other sizes, new tires.

A. Friedman, 1810 Eighteenth street. Phone 2-0478. 133 STEER fertilizer, $6 a ton. Also.

sheep, $5 ton. 35c sack. 040 Jefferson street. Phone 8-8205. 124 -See us for hard and soft wood.

People's Wood Yard. Phone 2-8313. 113 HAVE your rubber stamps made at Kern county's only rubber stamp factory. We carry A complete line of numbering machines and daters, inks, pads and metal aigns. Bakersfield Rubber Stamp Company, 1808 "Eye" street.

Phone 8-8102. 115 PRODUCE your own fresh eggs by feeding Panamin mash, it works. Pioneer Mercantile Co. 11-15-tf THE little store with a thousand gifts for infanta to 6 years, The Baby Shop, three doors from Sears Roebuck. 134 eenth street, has all the latest MAYTAG CA SHOP, 528 East Eightmodels, easy terms; also genuine parts and service: gusoline and electric.

motors. See my rebuilt used washers. Open every Saturday until 9 p. m. Phone 0-0177.

12-5-tf PECANS, the very best obtainable. Drury Rancho, 4 miles south on Oak street. 123 DOG and doll muffs for children, $1.75. Tie rack and whisk sets, $1.20, Novel gifts. Edna's, 111 El Tejon, Oildale.

114 FARMERS You may get the best Golden Merriott seed barley. Rust resistant early Baart and Federation No. 38 wheat, Kanota California red seed oats, alfalfa seed, cover crops and permanent pasture seeds from WATTENBARGER'S 2521 East California avenue, Bakersfield 115 LADY'S diamond and platinum gagement ring, in modern platinum. setting, with 20 small diamonds, praisal value $375. WIll sell for $200 cash.

Dial 2-2380 or 2-0159. USED treadle Singer sewing chine, $7. On balcony Weill'. FOR SALE--New .22 rifle, $9: lady's tweed coat, size 20, $5. New movie projector, $5.

Inquire 327 H. 114 CIRCULATING heater. A Also boys' suit, size 12. Practically new. 130 Jefferson.

Phone 6-6926. FIRE WOOD for sale. Free dellvery. Phone 3-0920. 115 SACRIFICE my $100.

equity in new Hot point refrigerator for $36.50. Balance on terms. Also baby buggy. 1317 Seventh street. Phone 2-2962.

Relatives Await Word From Asia (Continued From Page Thirteen) last night that he 1 la safe and that Ensign W. Barrington, of field and nephew of City Ray Burum, also of the Utah, was safe also. said his ship was un: harmed by. the Japanese raid of Sunday. Also in Honolulu 1s Harry king, the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Hopkins, 240 Las Flores Drive. Albert Frank Danjat, the stepson of Fred Ralston of Delano, is reported a member of the crew of the Pennsylvania, allegedly damaged at Hawali. Mr. DanJat left 18 months ago for navy service.

No confirmation of damage Pennsylvania has been received. Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert left Bakersfield nearly 18 montha ago to reside in Honolulu. Lambert is employed by Morris Packing pany.

Mrs. Lambert was back in Bakersfield two months ago on a visit, and latest report from local friends was that she had returned to Honolulu. Private First Class Robert Eber. mayer, "son of Mr. and Mra.

A. R. Ebermayer, 1422 Camino Primavera, is stationed at Hickam Field in wail. No word has been received here about him or his friend, P. F.

C. Fred Whitt, both of whom are in the Two Hundred and Fifty-first sion stationed at Hickam barracks. Visiting in Honolulu Mrs. J. I.

Clerley, the mother of Mrs. C. P. Wilson, 130 Ray street, is in Honolulu visiting her son, Ray Cierley, whose home Is there. Mr.

and Mra. L. E. Kofahl, of Fellows, were attempting cessfully today to get a message from their son, Captain Harold E. Kofahl, stationed with the army air corps at Hickam Field, Honolulu.

A telegram has been sent in an attempi to get information. West Side boys who are known to be in the danger zone are Ensign Hugh Cribbin, son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gribbin of Tatt, with the navy at Pearl Harbor; Donald Foust on board the S.

S. Regal; John Hall, stationed with the coast artillery at Manila. At Midway Charles Maygren, is on duty at Midway island, Tom Kennedy of Maricopa is in the Philippine Islands with army, Lester Lewis is on board the U. S. S.

Enterprise and Jim Schasteen is a member of the crew of the airplane carrier, Lexington. Submarine Service Fred Radford is in the submarine service at Pearl Harbor and Jim Haven and Raymond Covey are in the islands. Howard Odom is tioned at Manila. Another Bakersfield youth in the army at Fort Kamehamcha, Hawaii, Is 3 First Lieutenant William G. Sylvester, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Leslie Anderson, 3015 Park Way. Ile listed in Bakersfield and was a serve officer. Mr. and Mra.

S. M. Cauvel are awaiting word from their 8011, Chester M. Cauvel, who has charge of two radio transmitters in the Seventeenth Signal Platoon, Nichols Field, Philippine Islands. was recently promoted from private to sergeant.

Others in danger zones are Mr. and Mra. Jack Smith, Captain Jack Galbraith, Lieutenant Charles Chap. pell, Roy Stock, and Lieutenant R. Gilbert.

Speed Plans for Blackout System (Continued From Page Thirteen) establishment of a war duties division, has been carried out on or. ders from Chief Powers, Lleutenant Claude Morelock la in charge of the war duties division. Inspector Frank X. Berens and Ver. non Furry and Motor Patrolman Clyde W.

Chapman have authority to function in civilian and national defense matters 08 delegated by Chief Powers. FIESTA SUCCESS Reported as a huge success was the recent fiesta sponsored by St. Francis Catholic Church. Several hundred persona were served at the dinner held at St. Francla hall.

Sev. eral major prizes were given. Sing Lee was reported as winner of the grand prize or automobile and V. C. St.

Clair the bicycle. 1 Mra. Tom' Rogers, W. Eldred, E. L.

Taylor, Harry Francisco, R. G. MeP'herson Carlton Minner, Roy Bullock, Bob Allen, Minner's Furniture Store. ('leo Bruen, 1. Hirachy, Marlo's Place, Lloyd J.

Allen, Amertoy Hotel, Harry Burke, Ken Valley Distributing Company, Blane Fontana's l'ie Shop, Kelanse In Siesta Lounge, Spanish Kitchen, Chalt'a Blacksmith. George Frank's Haddock, Margaret Gregory, Bowling, Layne Bowler Company, 0. K. Sheet Metal Company, Bill Phleffer Maying Shop, Summers Furniture Company. $63.25 was turned in for employes of the Santo Fo car department A8 follows: Frank Sutillo, David Linton, Lawrence Avilez, 13.

Bennett, George T. Okinaka, D. W. Patterson, W. Westlund, J.

A. Culp, R. b. Gunning, B. Ajuler, George J.

Kubotan, 10. Monti, Felipe (. Marquez, Julian Devin, Joaquin Martinez. T. Waller, Sid Danemann, H.

Aspittle, George Lemucchi, Raymond G. Torres, S. Del Rio, W. Honry, D. Mean, T.

Rivero, Louis Bertolucci, John Steel, Felix limos, P. Aguilar, Pablo Nerl, J. Dinz, B. Reyes, S. Shimmoto, Arthur Mattick, Frank Vanentier, Arthur Preston, George Yesca, Telmo Iretis, James 1.

Bratker. Emil Walsberg, Joe Silva, l'eto Belluomini, Erno Tomas, Lloyd Wilson. v. B. HIll, Martin Etchegon, (.

J. Schmidt, G. Plerucei, Paul Ceccurelli, Frank Ceccarelli, Sam Unruh. Nathaniel Elrich, E. A.

Mitchell, E. A. Schmidt, Cecil Fore, Paul K. Laster, Walter Schweitzer, Manford R. Compton, H.

Kamaga, Jose Santa Cruz, W. A. Neal, L. Hutcheson, Jule P. Ceamat, John J.

Barulich, Larry Pasquini, Art Baldridge, Jullus w. Pierus, W. M. Fontaine, 1. V.

Lippincott, 11. Rowley, 11. Poe, R. K. Sawyer, D.

Serbantz. Bank of America donated $50. Employes of the Bank of America gAVO $91.00 for the following: A. C. Dimon, Mra.

A. C. Dimon, R. C. Hunderliter, Joe Moscont, Marguerite DoArmond, Scully, F.

G. Riley, Robert 15. Hein. Walter Welles, C. N.

lislop, Alice Lea Hialip, Louise Spears, G. L. Stockadell, Dalo Smith, E. A. Goertz, Al Price, Ged 9, Boden, Jed Franklin, Jim Rogers, Gladys Jones, Nellie Stowall, Homer Wentz, Lina Mae Sandera, Maxine Breaheara, H.

A. Bannister, ty, D. Watson, inion Bettencourt, George Friesen, Irvin L. Nickel, Irene L. Paston, Walter Carpender, Chris Cantleny, Janice Brason, Hazel Scofield, Rita Marker Whittaker, June Little, Tracy Wardell, Flossie Sullivan, Hazel Aligar, Marie Fox, J.

R. Spillane, Betty Tribe, Victoria Bowen, Frances Dulch, Ledo Battistoni, M. M. Ackerman, Marjorie Huff, Jack Curran, Harold Moore, Paul Broderick, Clara Williams, Peter McCart, Otto Treide, Carl Luick, Katle London, Earl Robison, Art Beckman, Margaret King, Earl Morin, Lenter R. Canh, Mra.

Eva F. Cash, Lawton Borgwardt, George L. Scott, C. A. Barham.

Arnold Svendaen, Sardia T. I. Farmer, Archie Hargett, Harold Jewett, Dwight Lowe, Morrill Caldwell, Patay Radaumis, Doris Kelleker, Francis Curry, Clara B. Scully, Betty Whittaker. Kart Margaret Coulter, If.

P. Winton, Ted Hauer, Veda Brite, Duerksen, Rose Valley, Bob llowe, Jean Eve. Annual Auxiliary Hut Sale Started With business fairly brisk, the nual hut sale of American Legion Auxiliary opened this morning in the lobby of The Californian. ers from Disabled American Veter. ans of tobie War, Auxiliary No.

20 charge today, the mittee being headed by Mrs. Garvin E. Montgomery, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Boucher, mander. Mrw.

Mary Carter from the American Legion Auxilinry, Mrs. Sherm Brunton, hut sule chairman, and Mrs. Thomas Harman, also slated. Articles to be had are made by abled veterans In the government hospitals at Sawtelle and San Per nando. Kernville Bazaar Is "Most Profitable" KERNVILLE, Dec.

cont bazaar held in Kernville by the Ladles Aid Society of the Kern river valley WAS the must success. ful of the annual events which have been put on by the society, ing to Mra. J. Bechtel. She stated that more than $300 had been raised during the affair.

Those who managed concessions at the bazaar were: Food, Mesdames Jim Bechtol, Carl Fletcher, C. Fowler; candy, Mesdames Ohlen Jackson, Jimmie Kissack; aprona, Mesdames Frank Wilson, Laura Belknap; fancy work. Mesdames Charles Hand, Malcohn Birnie, Ardias Froelich. Alvin Theobald, Edward Pettypool; baby. Mes.

dames James Jorgensen, James Rob. inson, Ralph Welch: fish pond, Mes. dames A. T. Sloten, Ernie Dotson, Jabez Gobson.

Radio Forecasts of Weather Forbidden Prohibition against radio broad. cast of weather forecasts was nounced by the United States ther bureau, which said its forecosta until further notice will be for news. paper use only. The action is similar to British ban or cireulation of weather Infor. mation which might aid air raiders.

(Continued From Page Thirteen) dination and protection of rail transportation systema. The executive committee will he composed of Mr. Noon, Mr. Loustalot, Mr. Bowhay, Mr.

Scott, Doctor Kirby, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Siemon. Mr. Noon explained that tho county council members are selected a county ordinance under a.

plan down by the state defense net, which In turn is in accord with fedemergency legislation. Although the sheriff's office will be "headquarters," the council will have nO permanent agenta workIng there. Mr. Noon as chairman will operate from his office in the Fort nt Taft. Ho said his top aides "will be where I can reach them all the time." Civil defense "must work 8.8 W'e have planned 11," ho anid.

"It may slow, but wo shall avoid later fusion." Mr. Noon said civil defense might with A gen battle. A battleship operato independently and Inatantly without orders from its flagship, but by 80 doing would be likely to endanger other ships of tho fleet unless it were opernting under plan. Plan "Clearing House" Aiming to organize eL centralized "clearing house" for all ordors taining to civilian defense, Mr. Noon said each committee chairman will namo his assistant and devise a pleto course of action for his respectivo field.

All committeo plans will submitted to the executive committee for aproval. "From the plans submitted by the different committees, the executive committee shall prepare a master plan and submit It to the entire council for approval," the chair. 111211 said. Headquarters will be established office, on invitation Sheriff Loustalot, who said he lieved his office would be useful as hendquarters bocauso it is equipped with stato-wido telotypo communicatons and is the station for Ing messages to polico und shoriff's officers throughout tho county. Weekly Meetings Set Meetings of the counoll will held every Thursday night.

Many details of the operation Kern civilian defense are J'et scure, Mr. Noon explained, and form of organization may have to changed later. "But we are in war," he said, "and we must adjust our plan of operation to deal with whatever changes develop." Cities such 88 Bakersfiold which have their own defense machinery extablished or planned will continue to work to meet their own needs, subject to supervision of the main council and executivo committee. Include Other Groups Other organized defense aids ns the Red Cross and the American Legion will be co-ordinated with or more of the 14-main committees. Many women who are heads of dividual defenso projects will named as committeemen under muin houds.

Mayor Siemon was made a ber of the executive committeo his own request. The mayor told of Bakersfield's extensive plans laid by Fire Chief Phil C. Pifer and' Police Chief Robert Powers, whose departments are now ready to begin training reserve man power and to meet any city emergency. Mr. Wilson, who has the title county dofense coordinator, servo AA a sort officer botween the oxecutive committee federal authorities, seeking to ordinate federal (Including military) regulations and orders with county- plan.

Sheriff Gets Emergency Power Sheriff Loustalot WAs given thority to take whatever steps deema necessary for protection the public In the ovent a out alr-raid alert should bo dered for Bakersfleld by the in the period before the county defense council begins normal ation. Shoriff Loustalot demanded know what would be expected him in the event of an air-raid emer. gency. "I'm not going to sit idly by," the sheriff declared. "We can ways do and Kern as yet no system of warning the public invader planes approuch.

Efforts aro under way today through Noon to establish positively through inquiries to Governor Olson whether directions for blackouts wIl! from the fourth interceptor mand direct or from the state tense council. When that fact established, stops will bo taken set up a warning system. Mayor Siemon said he believed, if air raiders ever should hit safer in their than if they ersfield, the citizenry, would were roused up in a darkened to roam in confused, perilous order. As for blackouts, Chairman Meadows of the blackout committee ternied complete eradication of not only almost impossible to achieve without intensive public education and complete public cooperation also a doubtful safeguard. The latest blackout plan is "controlled light," complete now, it way snid.

By varying pattern of a city's night lights, the effort will be made to confuse avlators. Members of the defense council are all county department heads representatives from ouch of eitles of the county, as well as from unincorporated communities, Weatherman Bans Predictions of Wind Associated Press Leased Wire) LOS ANGELES, Dec. predictions disappeared today from the weather bureau's southern fornia forecusts. A forecaster explained that it was part of a program not to give out any information which might be of uid to an enemy. Yesterday, a sumwary of Pacific coust weather trends was discontinued.

be at of bea be of the be such one be the at of will and the of army oper- to of al. have if Mr. come deis to be city dis- Cecil lights but the and the some.

The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.