THE MABYVHJJE DAILY FOKUif, MABYVILLB, MISSOURI, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1942 PAGE THREE 'Dimes' campaign which is now on lng Whole Wheat Muffins." Mrs. call win be a Myrtle Medsker. events. and daughters of Stanberry; Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Culver and daughter in the women's Democratic clubs CLUB NOTES and will end September 25 on tfcei iae nexi meeting win oe August or Biancnaro, Mrs. Sam Culver 5 with Mrs. George Wray and rouj Read Daily Forum Want Ads. annually. women Democratic cay.
Mrs. Effie Goosey was in charge of the urogram and Miss Maine The Missionary Society Mr. and Mrs. JPred Culver and daughters. Mr.
and Mrs. Lor en Culver and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culver and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Culver and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Women's Council of the Christian Dykes.
Harl Holt and Russell Noble: church of SkaJmore had its regular were guest speakers. monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon Dnrdale RnlrSrnw- -fr Coir T8e Dressdnt frs Oertrude Loaeks. Turpin of Burlington Junction; Mr. and Mrs. Lm Culver.
Pattoesburg; Mrs. Elbert Culver of San Pedro. Mr. and Mrs. John Culver.
James Coleman and Sarah The asiiual Goff retuaion -a as held niniifffifii Mr. and Mrs. r. W. saucers oi Ejza belli Coleman.
RushviIIe: Maryviile announce the marriage of' and Mrs. liarold Phelos. Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Ackers and daughter.
their daughter. Bettie Jeanne. I have a church carnival and dinner Mrs. Harvey Wataoa and Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Culver and fani- late this falL jpvt. Donald Miller, son of Mr. and; Roy Miller of Hopkins. Thei and Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Gregory Refreshments were served to Mrs. Gillie. St. Joseph; Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Graham; Mr. and Mrs. D-an MUier. Chicago, and Miss son ctarmca. Ia.
.3 K. Halph Summers. Mrs. Lawrence Rev. Loyal M.
Si Reynolds and son. Reduced! SUMMER DRESSES Duaue. Miss Lois June Puny McGre-. Lroertj Approaching Marriage A basket dinner was served Sun Nonhcott performing the ceremony. day at the Glen Bums home at Pamel! in honor of Mr.
Bums and Baron Jersey, eyelet piques, rayon bem-bergs; seersucker Bobbr Suits. IX THE Mrs. Cur-. is Rachau of Burlington. Miss Mae Doran and Mrs.
Loucks. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Douglas McClam and Mrs. Roy Twaddle will be in tMREE CHEERS FOR THE RARGAIN HUNTER! READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. Sunday at the part Savuiiiiaii ilh tiie soUo-i-Hi Mr.
ami Mrs. Charles McGre Miss Resia Mr. Mfs. W-l'Ae Hubbarc. Mr.
aiid Mrs. Wiiiwr ilul-bard. Mr. and Msr. Ear! KigeU Let- Hubbard ajid Larry Barnard; Mr.
ar.d Mrs. T. C. Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Baker and Bilhe and Jojce Bkcr. Mrs. Fluoiv Mr. r.i Mrs. Prvdenci: Mr.
ar.d Mr. Wace. Mr. Mr. Roy Drjcale.
Wija cosseeve: "ot clejslsx tX srt zjasures WEBER CLEANERS Ban. tar 531. niece. Miss Marie Gray-Red Oak. who were celebrat Club Hostess charge of the ing their birthday anmversaries.
Mrs. Elmer Johnson and" Mrs. D. IiiGse present were Mrs. Marie' Women's Summer Dresses Bums and family and Mr.
and Mrs. William Mercer and son. Marion. Junction announces tne approaching marriage of her daughter. Miss Jean Grifiey oS Omaha.
Neb, to Marion Rice oj Grand Island. Neb. The -Aedcmg a ill lake place July 25 a i Oinalia. The couple will make home in Grand Island, where Mr. Rice is employed.
Annual Keanion The annual Culver reunion uras heic Sunday ai the roadside park. Nisieteen members and one guest. Mrs. Howard Kelly, were present yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Will Van Amburg was hostess to the Lyle Community dub.
Mrs. June 3. Anderson were score prize winners yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Charles Carter was hostess to the Wednesday Contract, club. Contract Club Oxford; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Brown and family ar.d Mr. and Mrs. Newt Better quality sheers, summer rayons, ehambrays. 1'opular sport styles and street stylo.
OS THE BALCONY 1.44 Bums and dangUier. Shirley. Bed ford. Mr. and Mrs.
Loaell Gray and daughter. Lota Marie. Red Oak. Members of the Wednesday Con-; Craig was song leader and group singing included the selections -carry" Me Back to Old Virginia" and Mrs. Vilnum ar.c son.
Women's Sheer Dresses Melvm. Pamell. and Mrs. Walt -Old Zip Cocon." Boxes were sens by Mrs. June Craig.
Miss Dorothy tract club aere entertained Tiresca; afternoon at the heme of Mrs. Gu; Griffith. Score prizes were woe Mrs. Homer Carmichael. Mrs.
Pa and Mrs Pay McKee. Books for Bot's and Girls to hold zhe reunion at again nest year and Mrs. i Crensimw and sons. dr. is and Aiva.
diver Mrs. Karvey Culver i and Mr. arid Mrs James Bums. Worth. ON TilE BALCONY Stunning lyles to choose from.
They're irashatrie. Reduced to clear ere to make arrangements. lUc Up HOTCHKIN'S 1.17 TiioM? were Mr. and Mrs. Budget-itretchinfl is a fine art and one thai we oil must learn.
It is vital to "Thrift ond Savins for Victory- 'One way to stretch budgets is to select the things that will give us the longest service so replacements con be put off as long as possible. Another way to stretch the budget to every newseaper ad with sharp eye. An advertisement like this, for example, is full of things for the thrifty! THRIFT AND SAVINGS FOR VICTORY Me ftH Mri nonalri Dessert-Bridee Craig. Mrs. Mary Christian.
Mrs. Ray Mowry. Mrs. Ray Kiser and Mrs. George Wray.
club members, to Jack Weston and Ed Weston, boys fram that, community in army semce. Talks were given by the following members: "Meal Planning for Health." Mrs. Otis Lyle; "Whole Wheat Bread." Mrs. Cora Lyle; Perrin-Newberry Mrs. Blanch Orermier.
218 North F.Umore street, announces the mar-; nage of her daughter. Mrs. Esther Perrm. to Car! W. Newberry, son of iMr.
and Mrs. Palmer Newberry ofj W. L. Rhodes perlectlv niatrlie ihr itridr-roui We fi-al dint likes, to v.hif and son. Mr.
and Mrs.) OGrady Ralegh White. Mr. and Mrs. dessert-bridge party yeslerday Mr. and Mrs.
Merle White. afternoon at her heme. Bridge was V.r. ar.d Forest White. Mr.
and played at three tables and the score Harve Booth and son. Mrs. Pjs were won by Mrs C. Mr. and Mrs.
Donald son. Mrs. F. C. Mtlier ar.d Mrs.
L. A. Wa'ker and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Myers. Dale and daughter, all of' Mary Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Ply-. 1 o'CIocfc Luncheon hkI; and and Mrs. Olen Plvmeli Mrs F. M. Townser.d will enter- SUMMER MILLINERY Ravenwood.
Tne wedding took place I nn; 'egetabies for the Family." Mrs. iiay 13 at rroy. iijas. iney were our matched sets tudr time. II.
lail AH of our higher priced Millinery, reduced. Many styles to choose from 99c o. 1 -'jiicneon to- t.i:r. 1 morrow afterr.c-on at her home. 640 and Mr.
and Mrs. William Tanner. St. Joseph. Mr.
and Mrs. Newberry are residing at 1319 Lyon street. Des Moines. 1 la where Mr. Newberry is employed.
A dinner was held Sunday at the O-. erm-er home it; honor of the new- July Clearance SALE Reduced! All SUMMER SHOES BAKERY SPECIALS BARBECUE Itl. NS Home made sljle. Extra rich in and sosrar. Paikrd eieiu to patkaje XUC COI.DEN I.E.MOV ITEi: ARE Made tender and delirious loL- of uholr ess-.
California lemons used give flavor 39cad59c WOMEN'S SHOES MEN'S SUMMER SHOES Our best quality White Shoes and Play shoes with platform soles Plain White Pomps Also Brotrn and White Pumps "White Sport Oxfords 1.77 3.77 jsellingr. 3Iost sizes PECX DO.N"L"Tv:D.nut rolled in cruMird peejn- 3 JQC Honor Guest Robert Runnels, who will leave tomorrow for army service-, was honor guest at an ice cream social held last night at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Runnels, of near Pickering.
Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Htr.ton ana son. Forrest Bean, and daughter. Wilma Jean.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ashford. Mr. and Mrs.
Lauren Runnels and daughter. Velds. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and son.
Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hanna. Pickering, ar.d Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Taylor. Miss Uan Runnels and Mr. and Mrs.
Les- ler Swaney. i BOYS' SUMMER SHOES Kay Dnnhill Doris Dodson Juniors Jo Dee Juniors Kennedy Slenderizers in half sizes, 14Vi to 26 ALL STRAW HATS REDUCED Delia's Style Shop STREI SEI. COFFEE IKE-ICE CKEVM Sit flaw.rv in 23c it Red or hand-packed pints. WOMEN'S SUMMER SHOES Our CeleCe Quality. Reduced.
A per- a mmmm feet fitting shoe, in hite pumps. VV Oxfords. Also brown and white. it College honoring Mrs Nor- man Chamaerlni's daughter. Mrs.
A. C. Malcne of Bonne Terre. Mo. Pinochle Club Mrs.
Roland Nobiet was hostess yesterday afternoon at her home to the Wednesday Afternoon Pinochle club. Score fa-ors were by Mrs. Dale Lyie and Mrs Harold Houston. Honored at Picnic A picnic was held last. nighL at roadside park honoring Mariorie Wagr-er.
who will leave today for Bremerton. Wash. Those attending were Alice Mc-j Ginness. Marine Trimble, Kathleen Pope. Mary Louise Dean.
Maryorie Scott. Deioris Gray. Marjorie Gregg. Quentm Gray. Carl Vuigamctt, Wray.
Jot VerUn Yui-. gamott. Robert Espey. Willis Dcw-cen. John Scoit and Robert Scoti.
Lawn Party About forty were present last night when the Polk Township De-! mocratic Women's dab had a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Louisa L. Catte'-son. 604 North Main street Mrs. J.
Richey. Mrs. Ben Char.d-ler and Miss Norton were assisiir.s hostesses. In the absence of the president." Mrs. Dorr Swing presided Mrs.
I. E. Tulioch spoke of the -Miles of' 2.77 Some Sport Oxfords We 9 I CHILDREN'S SHOES CHILDREN' SHOES Children's play Sandals. White Strap Our better quality all leather con- structed Summer Shoes reduced. Straps and Sport Oxfords I 1 structed PECXS COO EC CKE5 8C 2 for 1C HOT BKED DAII.T EXrElT YthoJr Wheat or White Bread Hot from the Oven at P.
M. Wc end Many Packancs of Cookies and Cakes to Boys in the Sen. ire. Espeeially Wrapped to Protect Them in Send Your Boy Something From The Bakery. VAVRA BAKERS Baked Fine Mnrc The South Side Bakery.
I SUMMER SKIRTS WOMEN'S 2-PIECE SUITS Limited quantity. Reduced, with pirated skirts Rayon Gabardine. flannel in pastel colors. HARVEST SPECIALS In tiiis busy time of the year, we offer timely merchandise that is in keeping with the times at real price savings! $177 WOMEN'S TOPPERS White flannel, rayon gabardine, and spun rayon. A Reduced to clear OHrvO WOMEN'S SLACK SUITS Lonp sleeve blouse in jay floral patterns: harmonizing salid colored slacks.
tn Rcdnced 04 1 Whiteware White Hates 10c two kinds Vzc More Beauty-Greater Comfort For Your Home This Summer! Saucers Glassware Water Classes. 3 10c Ice Tea Glasses 5c Fancy Glasses 5c Extra large Glass 10c Water Sets 59c Large Pitchers with Ice Lip 25c Wh Bowls, extra GIRLS" SUMMER SKIRTS CHrLDREN-S SEERSUCKER JIMMIES Abo sun suits. Easy to launder. Most sires 69C ianre 20c Compare these prices with any others! ARMSTRONG INLAID LINOLEUM Spun rayons and flannels. Li "ted quantity.
Reduced 77c DON'T MISS THESE Men's Dress Straw .1.77 Men's Sport Shirts Men's Slack $2.98 Men's and Boys' Swim Trunks. 98c Men's Dres Straw Hats 98c Boys' Sport Shirts Printed YtL Cotton Sheers. 19c Pirn's Summer 2-Pc. S6.50 Boys' Sport $1.98 Girls' Slacks $1.19 Women's Summer Parses $1.17 Fancy Towels, heavy Deluxe 39c WOMEN'S BATHING SUITS The most popular dressmaker style. Reduced to -Im- BATHING" SUITS Limited quantit Part wool suits: reduced for 77c can easily land ecuiiomically iffi) add BHU-h iimre beauiy lo your iiimu- ly inr Antistrontr Inlaid Linoleum on tliosu floors ilial now hetriii lo show siirns of wear new Linoleum ii- not only lieautiful.
out serviceable as well It's buiit to stand a lot of hard abuse and to stay beaut i-fni with very little caiv of a beautiful m-w floor makes any home more comfortable. Come in and see our latel k-signs. quick selling. Most all sizes MEN'S Hosiery Lingerie Mesii Hosierv 49c Ladies Panties 3ac havon Hosierv 3oc Child Panties 25c Men rancv Dress Sox 15c La(hes 79c Ladie. Dull Crepe Rav- S1.39 43c S1.29 Extra Fancv Corsets.
Imed S1.49 Dr. Sox 29c Girdles S1.00 STRAW HATS Seme are higher quality: reduced to clear. Limited ouantitv. WOMEN'S SEERSUCKER SLACK SUITS For work or sports. Easy to launder: require no ironing.
comfortable 98c fxt omy sum HAMm AVBonAron ALL WOOL SUITS Oilcloth, yard 35c pc. Gabardine GIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES uits. single te. 2-pc Gable or doubh Suite jn-i- 2-pc or double double breasted style. Gabardine suits, single breasted stvles WALLPAPER Reduced for quick selling.
Hijrh Also Tropical quality sneer Limited quantity 77c $1875 IT Place's offer a tremendous stwk wai1 p01 at 3,1 sea-sal XCfiif' A ran1 Iinc and patterns PORCH SHADES Ti.eii-V liothiusr like a porch sliadr to make your j-orcise- comfortabh- durinsr tliis hot wea-tier thsy'rv attnidive tool Made of witii ventilator at the top. Most Boys' SPORT SETS Sires 4 to 12. Reduced Summer 39-in. width that will thrill. Color, style, quality, it's got everything plus $129 Every one Sunfast RAYONS forized shrunk.
VENETIAN BLINDS Swish, Stock Spray, gallon 79c bV30nSorority Prints WBmitW- Printed Bemaerss TinSUn? Rayons Seersuckers wREJ Reduced to Boys' WASH SLACKS 47c Sanforized shrank Pleated front styles. The modem way is Venetian Blinds we still have a few metal Venetian blinds available in several color schemes also wide variety in wood. Dress up your home with Venetian blinds also increases comfort of home by keeping heat out. C0TON SHEERS 16 inch width, fast color Sheers. Sturdy- Ant Buttons 25c Old English Wax.
pt. 39c Daisy Fly Killer 20c Aerowax. pint 25c Fly Swats 10c Fly Ded, pint 20c Fly Ribbons 3 for 5c Window Shades 25c Oxydol 22c Table Goths 39c A good quantity to choose MM $119 made for hard wear. Sires 6 to IS. Price Floor Craft Co.
P. N. Place Co..