Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

0 1 1 1 THE WASHINGTON TIMES: SATURDAY: JANUARY 12. -1918. 13 SOLONS BLAMED BY DENMAN FOR U.S. LOSS OF SHIPS Flatly charging that the loss of more than fifteen large ships to the American flag was due to at least "two members of Congress," William Denman of San Francisco today demanded that the Commerce Committee of the hear his story of why the program of the shipping board has failed. is responsible for the present coal Loss of these vessels, Denman says, famine in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia.

Denman wants to tell his. story in public, he says, and claims it will show that neither countrof General Goethals 'lost the a single steel ship. His letter to Senator Fletcher, chairman of the committee, as follows, in part: "I will show that no loss of any ships from the flag arose through any act or omission of either. General Goethals or myself, but, on the contrary, that I was one of the active participants In saving over a million tons 'of vessels to the American flag. will show that it is true that more then fifteen large steel ships were lost to the flag, and will place the blame where it belongs, This does concern General Goethals, but does concern at least two members of Congress, who should participate in its responsibliity.

"I will show the relationship between loss of these vessels and the shortage of fuel and coal in our larger particularly Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. "I will show that, despite the ability shown by the present board in carrying out policies, the grave shortage of tonnage now existing will probably increase instead of decrease during the current year. "I shall urge the Shipping Board to conceive our shipbuilding policy 88 General Goethals finally came to express it over his signature in the month of July. He said we must build all the wooden ships and all the steel ships that van be FREIGHT CONGESTION RELIEVED IN D. C.

Freight congestion in Washington is almost at an end today, according to Jocal railway officials. Ample car space is available in the freight yards, and the cars are being unloaded as they come in. Consignments are being moved from the yards more promptly, the railway men say, and conditions are better today than they have been for weeks. SAYS NINE STATES WILL RATIFY DRY ACT IN '18 At least nine of the eleven States whose legislatures will meet this year are expected to ratify the Federal prohibition amendment, C. Dinwiddie, legislative chief of the AntiSaloon League, said today.

Vital Records. Births. The following births were reported to the Health Department In the last twenty -four hours: Sam and Carolina Zolotrow. girl. William H.

and Eva E. Wright, boy. Archie D. and Grace I. Sartwell.

boy. Otto R. and Nannie Schellin, girl. Myer and Freda Slegal, boy. David and Rebecca Shainbloom, boy.

Frederick and Isabel Stanley, boy. Jsadore and Jennie B. Meyrowitz, boy. James and Christie V. McIntyre, boy.

Isadore and Goldie Leatherman, boy. Melville and Margaret Fisher, boy. Louis and Jessie Dashiell, boy. (laud C. and Edna A.

Bowers, girl. Martin A. and Elizabeth L. Byrnes, boy. Archie and Annie Toliver, boy.

James and Blanche Saunders, girl. Milton M. and Lulu Bacon, boy. Charles and Bessie Brown, boy. Marriage Licenses.

Daniel Aloysius Hurd, 25, and Mabel Champion, 23, both of Washington, D. C. The Rev. William A. Cahill.

Joseph Levy, 32, Baltimore, and Anna Hohberger. 30, of Annapolis, Md. The Rev. G. Silverstone.

S. Anderson Leonard. 33. of Pensacola, and Rosa K. Galw.

25, of Norfolk, Va. The Rev. John T. Whelan. William Troy Selbert.

of Chicago. and Ardath Dorothea Mishler, 21. of Carthage, Ill. The Rev. Samuel T.

Nicholas. Axel E. Anderson, 28, of Camp Meigs. D. C.

and Inger Caroline Jensen. 23, of Philadelphia, Pa. The Rev. H. Schroeder.

Lawrence Aloysius McVeigh, 28, of 27, Brooklyn, N. and Lillian Odella Nelson, of Ervine, Mars. The Rev. John I. Barrett.

Henry E. Kaldenbach, 40, of Landover. and Petronela Bremer. of Baltimore, Md. The Rev.

E. Hardin, Oscar M. Luck. 21, and Edith M. Cole, both of Richmond, Va.

The Rev. John E. Briggs. Lloyd G. Pray, 32, and Lucile Cogswell.

20, both of Washington, D. C. The Rev. Jamee L. Gordon.

Joseph A. Burne, of Butte, and L. Charlotte Stieheling. 28, of Washington, D. C.

The Rev. M. J. Riordan. Earl T.

Saper, 22, and Ethel Elizabeth Maguire, 19, both of Washington, D. C. The Rev. Thomas D. Williams.

Daniel M. Collier, 34, of Rochester, N. and Harriet W. Morsell, 26. of Washington, D.

C. The Rev. Andrew B. Bird. F.

Bailey, 30, and Mary E. Wood, 27. The Rev. J. J.

O'Connor. Deaths. The following deaths were reported to the Health Department in the last twenty-four hours: John A. Delaney, 3 years, 10th and Monroe st8. E.

Mary T. Bennett, 42 years, 118 Seaton pl. N. W. John E.

Hurley, 57 years, 1239 Irving st. N. W. Ernest Hansborough, 41 years, Garfield Hos. Alice V.

Mason, 57 years, Georgetown University Hospital. Georgina S. Hicks, 48 years, 1922 Sunderland pl. N. W.

William E. Barbee, 69 years, Tuberculosis Hospital. Lorie E. Masten, $7 years. E.

Wardman ets. Jennte V. Bosworth, 437 st. N. W.

James E. Beardsley, 36 years, 815 st. N. Joseph Robertson, years. Providence Hos.

Randall Carter, 52 years, Garfield Hosp. Dorothy Lewis, 5 years, Casualty Hospital, Warren Hall. 32 years, Tuberculosis Hosp. John McLester, years, Wash. Asyl.

Hosp. Caroline Johnson, 54 years, Blagden's ct. Louise Owens, 2 years, 153 Kenyon st. N. W.


CLEAN, dry storage for furniture and planes 000 Pa Estimates cheerfully elven, WESCALER'S Main 123. SMITH'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE moving ster Phone North 3343 North 3344. 5 Nikit holiday. haullas. MOVING, PACKING, MOVING MOVE ANT.


1476 CHURCH 8T. BEE service. ME for THE PEOPLE'S prices STORAGE AND best and satisfactory EXPRESS, 1739 7th st. N. W.

"SAFETY FIRST." ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF STORAGE. UNITED STATES STOP.AGE CO. Rooma, $2.00 and up. Moving Packing Phone Main 4229. 418-420 10th at.

N. EDUCATIONAL. FIRST GRADE Civil Service examinations Jan, 18 and 19. Departmental Clerks examination Feb. 9.

Tuition for entire course for these examinations $5. THE CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, e. cor. 12th and str. Telephone Franklin 2050.

10 UNIVERSITY PREPARATORY. languages, mathematics. science: all Government examinations: moderate. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. 821 12th st.

N. W. 1-9 FRENCH, ITALIAN. SPANISH LESSONS. Call evenings by appointment.

1213 14th st. W. 1-7 SPANISH SCHOOL WASHINGTON OF Professors from Spain Method. Rapid Progress. Home Life bidg.

A CIVIL SERVICE tutor and adviser wanted to coach me for firet-grade clerk one specialized in arithmetic Ir preferred: good compensation right party, success guaranteed. BOX 149. Times office. NATIONAL SCHOOL FINE APPLIED ARTS Main 1760 FELIX MANGUY 1505 Pa. Ava.

Complete courses I.M. C. shorthand Bookkeeping ($3.50 rafting Accountancy an C. Course). Day and Evening.

Bulletins free. 1736 St. N. W. BERLITZ Languages: N16 SCHOOL 14th N.

Terma May Be Begun At Ang LAKE SCHOOL Typewriting Individual Instruction. 4:7 Sourners Bids. LOST AND FOUND CHOW -Female: with gray tail, Liberal reward for return to 2810 26th place. Phone Cleve. 1121.

1-12 POCKETBOOK containing rings and about $16 and receipt for, coat; lost on the Rock Creek Bridge car. December 16, about 5:30 o'clock, between 7th and sts: ard 18th and Creek Bridge car. December 16, about 5:30 o'clock, between 7th and sts: ard 18th and sta. Finder please return to 1821 19th st. nw.

and receive reward. MRS. C. 8. BAILEY.

1-13 MUFF-Child's; civet cat; last Saturday. Reward. Return 1856 Kalorama rd. North 7182, 1-12 SPECTACLES Gold-rimmed, in black case: near 17th and Pa. ave.

Finder please conmunicate with F. G. TRYON; telephone North 9442. 1-12 KEYS of about 12, In business section. on Thursday.

Reward. CHARLES R. EDWARDS, P. 0. Box 613, Baltimore, Md.

DOG -Black great Dane, white mark on stomach; small sore on head. Reward, 1906 st. N. W. 12 PIN-Old-fashioned: topax settings; shopping district.

Reward, 1363 Newton N. W. 12 WRIST WATCH-Gold. in Poll's Theater, or Just outside, Wednesday night. Reward if returned to 45 st.

N. E. Call F. 4816. 1-11 POODLE DOG--Dirty blue ribbon on neck; found Saturday Call 1035 Lamont st N.

W. BROWN PURSE, containing about $42 and a locker key. Lost last Saturday. Owner, phone Col. 1762.

11 POCKETBOOK about $17. diamond ring and trunk key; lost January 9. Reward. Phone West 1613. 11 HAND on Chevy Chase car, Wear afternoon.

containing glasses and small amount of money, Finder phone North 9660. 40 COIN PURSE- Small, with change and ring: 'ost January Finder will kindly 4 and receive reward, 2409 18th st. 19 BRACELET -Gold link: pet, with diamonds: lost Monday, January Finder please notify MRS. E. T.

SMITH, 1134 st. Franklin 4346; reward offered. 10 CHOW DOG--Black female, with gray tail; harness but no collar on; lost Jan. 1. from 2810 36th pl.

N. W. Reward for information. leading to return of dog. Phone Cleve.

1121. STARTING -For King car. Reward If returned, Dr. COOKSEY, 1408 st. N.

W. TRAVELING BAG-Lady's black leather, lined in red, containing taupe georgette crepe dress, pair slippers and other articles. Reward. Lost January 1. Please return to 501 11th apart.

2. GOLD WRIST WATCH- -Lost Friday. Dec. 28. on the Speedway going from the American building around the Speedway to Paul Jones' Statue and then returned to British Embassy.

Liberal reward if returned to British Embassy. 1-8 WANTED--AGENTS AGENTS -Ladies and gentlemen, from to $10 now being earned by representatives. 3016 orgia ave Call or write. HELP WANTED--MALE AUTO REPAIR MAN steady work: splendid opportunity for right wan. BOX 202.

Times office, BOY for tailor store: $5 per week. Apply at once. 1611 Conn. 1'1 TABLE BOYS--Boys, 16 years old, to wait on tables, confectionery store. NUNNALLY, 1223 st.

N. W. 1-11 BOY-Experienced soda fountain: references: at once. TASTY CANDY LUNCH 1300 Pa ave. N.

1-10 APPRENTICE BOY -Apply GEO. A. SIMONDS 502-10 st. N. w.

BOY to work in grocery store. 1440 Newton st. N. 10 to carry Times routes, 14th and good salary. Apply TION Warhington Times.

BOYS Colored, with wheels, as messengers, guaranteed $10 to $15 WEEKLY and commission: also public or high school students. evenings, $7 weekly. Apply 717 a 12th st. N. W.

1-4 CARPENTERS and laborers for work on FIELD Key Bridge OFFICE. acrors of Potomac 35th river. Apply foct st. WANTED-50 union carpenters: 30 and 60 colored laborers. Apply J.

F. De LACEY, Employment Manager. THE AUSTIN 923 6th st. S. E.

7 CHAUFFEURS wanted. HIGHLAND TAXI CAB rear 1131 17th st. 10 CHAUFFEURS good for electrical vehicle, starting prospects: early advance ment. Apply 56 L. N.

E. 1-28 WANTED EXPERIENCED WINDOW CLEANER: COLORED; GOOD SALARY TO START! APPLY AT ONCE, SUPT. MUNSEY BUILDING. 10 MACHINISTS. boilermakers, machinists' helpers, boilermakers' helpers, clerks, messenger boys, baggage and mail porters, white women for car cleaners: white and colored la borers.

Apply ROOM 306, Unles Station. DRIVERS-3 Arat class, for Ford delivery: 31 to to preferred. Apply SHIPPING CLERK. CORNWELL. 1413 st.


N. W. 12 JANITOR for church situated near Capitol, $50 per month; references. Apply BOX 210, Times office before Monday 1-11 Let the Wedding Bells Ring Ladies' Night Out, ex By Jean Knott Registered U. 8.




good wages. 1-10 YOUNG MEN to learn electrical trade. 1427 st. N. W.

11 CHAUFFEUR--Colored; permanent place for sober. steady man. WEST BROTHERS BRICK 719 15th st. N. W.

11 YOUNG MAN in grocery store: good pay. OPPENHEIMER. 908 9th st. N. W.

1-g YOUNG MEN- Several. between 18 and 21, for order department. Apply SHIPPING CLERK. CORNWELL'S, 1413 11 st. N.

W. 1-10 MAN-Colored. to drive wagon: must know the city; $13 per week. SCHROTT 617 Louisiana ave. N.

W. 12 MEN FROM 19 TO 30 TEARS OF AGE AS Motormen and Conductors Are Wanted by the Washington Railway Electric Company. Steady Employment and Highest Wages Apply to MIR. HOFFER, 14th and East Capitol Sts. YOUNG MAN--Colored.

Apply HUYLER'S, 12th and N.W. 11 MEN for distributing: $2.23 per day. GEN. ERAL LIVERY. rear 307 Pa.

ave. N. YOUNG MAN Bright, aggressive, and en. ergetic, as classided advertis 1DR solicitor; preferably be tween 17 and 23 years of age. A splendid opportunity for the right man.


W. PENNINGTON TAT. 12 PRESSER--First class. St. N.

Mertz W. 7 -For drug store; good hours, good pay. PORTLAND DRUG STORE, 14th and Vermont ave. 9 SOD.A DISPENSER Experienced. NUNSALLY'S, 122 Ft.

N. W. 1-11 WANTEDBright, intelligent messengers, over 16 years of age. Chance tor advancement and opportunity to learn newspa- NIGHT WATCHMAN- Colored, and young man for the elevator, and an experienced waiter. HOTEL LOGAN, Iowa Circle, cor.

13th st. 11 PORTER--Mertz Mertz. 906 St. N. W.

7 HELP WANTED- -FEMALE BRENTANO'S. and 12th are in need an experienced woman bookkeeper; 4 permanent position is open for one who can qualify. Inquire for MR. AVERY before 13 o'clock. 1-9 CIRL-To attend soda fountain.

Apply THOMPSON DRUG STORE, 703 16th st. GIRL -Reliable colored: 3 in family for era! housework. 1115 Fairmont st. N. W.

1-12 GIRLS- White: light, pleasant work; rapid advance in pay: experience not necessary. 421 6th at. 8. E. GIRLS to work on paper boxes; good salary start.

R. W. MONAHAN 1316 W. 10 FOR RENT--HOUSES Unfurnished. B.

F. SAUL RENTAL AGENTS, 934 New York Ave. N. W. Phone Franklin 5593, And cheaper properties 13 CORNER HOUSE IN NORTHEAST SECTION Five Rooms and Bath, REST.

$20. GARDINER DENT, 117 14th St. N. W. 1-12 3831 Piney: Branch road N.

rooms, bath, furnace. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, Main 1106. 1407 N. Y.

ave. N. W. 12 SIX-BOOM HOUSE near East Capitol: furnace beat; good yard; rent oply Call Main GARDINER DENT, 117 14th 8t. N.

1-12 SIX ROOMS. large yard, sq. of cars, 8. Prospective tenants will And it to their advantage. to inspect our properties before rentIng.

as our houses are generally in good condition, our rule being to have them repaired when vacated, DV ELLING8. Taylor st west of 913 nw. 9r 20.30 Georgia av, Branch rd. 15.00 UNHE. FLATS) 1325 7th 8r.

637 $160.00: I store.25.00 1510-13 5th 90.00 2500 Ga av, store.25.00 1518 7th 80.00 304 sto.20.50 1130 7th nw 931 5th 7th dw.60.00 1000 ne, .18.50 1201 5th nw.ato dw. 1118 20th nw, store.18.00 3303 11th 26 Fla av. COLORED TENANTS. 1223 nw. b.30, 801 2472 30th, 8r.

505 224 1604 10th nw. Sr. w. 15.50 613 nw. .18.00.

904 ow. 6r. 15.00 432 ad ne. 6r. 1..:17.30 250 Eye b.

$16: owner, 914 East Capitol at. Furnished FOR RENT Furnished Houses, Furnished Apartments, Unfurnished Houses, IN MOST DESIRABLE SECTIONS OF CITY AND SUBURBS -BY SEASON OR YEAR. John W. Thompson Company, -Incorporated 128 lath at. Phone 7963 Main.

-tuith, COUNTRY HOUSE within' 20 miles of WashIngton, April to September. BOX 192, Times office. Wanted. WANTED -TO rent furniahed residence: not lees than baths: may take suburb distant Chevy Chase small family: no children. GASCH BIRGE.

1806 New Fork N. 1 SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. Some Day Home or Investment CABIN JOHN PARK! WHY NOT TODAY? For plate, books, and full par fleulars about these -little farms, attractive howe sites and low prices. see or write J. S.

TOMLINSON, 134 SOUTHERN BLDG. MAIN 7446. IT WILL PAT 100 To Investigate al Once These Beautife. Greater Capitol Heights Lots UNLE- $20 BACK CASH MONTE TAKE ST. OFF Gist ST.

E. ONE CAR FARE. TICKETS 354 OFFICER. Main Office, 903 N. W.

On Grounds, OWN HOME and sta N. OWN YOUR IT PATE ZANTZINGER, 903 N. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE NINETY-ACRE farm. five uniles trem- Chan lottesvilie, beautiful location; ter; pierty wood; on R. F.

will sell terma or eschange for D. C. suburbas property N. of W. not less than Eve acres, Apply FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FORD 1917 touring: Westinghouse self-atarter: electric, lights: extra tools: Weed tire chains: driven 5.700 miles; new tires.

Conmunicate with L. C. FARLEY. Bureau of Navigation, Navy Yard. 1-12 RED 6, 1916; in perfect mechanical condition: tires good: owner must sell at once and will sell for $573.

Call N. 3380-J. 1-13 DODGE winter roadster: run only few thesand miles: perfect condition; extras. Address BOX 208, Times office. 1-13 FORD coupe: late model; perfect condition; good car: cheap for cash.

Call M. 9190. Mr. WHITEFORD, 1-12 CHANDLER sedan. Phone West 1663-W.

AUTO CLEARANCE SALE Chalmers cabriolet, 1916; 3 wire wheels and one extra tire: fully equipped and a bargain at $900 Hudson Light Six 1916, in perfect mechanical condition. Paint in good condition, battery good, tires Hudson Light Six 1915, In perfect chanical condition. Paint is 0. battery good and tires good Hudson Four, Model $7, 1913, in A1 condition, can be bought Chandler Touring 1917, almost new. with clock, cut-out, extra tire and fine set of seat covers National 12, 1916, touring.

Car in nice condition and a bargain at Packard touring. 1913, newly painted and very recently overhauled has Ane tires and nice seat covers limousine. 1914. in perfect condition: bargain at 630 Dodge touring, 1916, A1 550 Oldsinobile touring. 1916, in nice CODdition, 4 cylinders.

good tires Dodge Roadster, 1916, tn A1 condition to paint, battery and tires 695 In addition to the above have ether cars for you to select from. We stand directly behind our cars. What we say they are they you can depend upon it. Come to see us, SEMMES MOTOR COMPANY, 613 st. N.

W. M. 9790. 30 ONE 1916 BUICK roadster, 1023 Connecticut are. 11 HUPMOBIL5.

1917. reven-passenger: run 4.000 miles; new tires all around. 950 14th st. nw. 1-10 1916 SUPER-SIX Hudson coupe: must be sold at once; can be bought for reasonable price.

1125 16th st. N. or phone M. 10663. 9 BABY Grand Chevrolet; in good shape; $400 cash; reason for selling, leaving town.

Apply GARAGE, rear 1720 16th st. Telephone N. 4469. ONE DODGE demonstrator, with original guarantee: good as new: open Sunday. SEMMES MOTOR 1133 Conn, ave.


For Hire--Automobiles. Ever Ready Taxi Service 50c Ten Blocks City proper, Tie. or Lees. Shopping. $1.50 per hr.

Same price 1 or 3 pass. $2.00 per hr. Lincoln 35 NEW FORD CAR. From to 4 people, $1.25 per hour. All day parties chemper.

Call Lincoin 3020-J. For Rent. LARGE street-floor room, for sate specialty: TRUCK also repair UNIT shop 128 with LIED yard N.W. MOTOR HORSES AND VEHICLES CHAMBERS' STABLES hired 19th 8T. N.

W. Hersee by day, suit purpose. SADDLE HORSES PHONE MAIN DANCING GLOVER'S. 613 22nd, priv, les. any sic.

class Tuesday, Frilay eves; latest method. orchestra: ballroom for rent, $5. W. 1129. 15 MISS CHAPPELEAR 1113 0 at.

N. Class W. Toeaday evenings, FOR SALE -HOUSES Corner Bargain Out-of-town owner has instructed To Sell at $3,500. practically new corner brick, which cost Six rooms, bath, and cellar. All modern conveniences.

Conveniently lochted in one of the choice residential sections northwest. Will sell on exceptionally liberal terms. Near 10th and Mass. Ave. N.

E. Destrable two bricks, eight room and bath, cellar, and hot- water heat: good lot, room for Owner garage. Entire house in nice dition. leaving city reason tor male. Price, $4,500.

Reasohable terms. Near 11th and E. Cap. Sts. Twostory, eight-room dwelling, wide and deep lot.

Large front porch. Modern plumbing. In good repair. Price, On the Heights Half Square of 14th St. A owner desires an immediate Two-story colonial brick.

six rooms, bath, and cellar. Porches. Rooms for rage. Alley. Price, $4,650.

Semi-Detached. Exceptionally, all attractive two story eightmodern conveniences, room for Attractive interior thish. Good front porch Price, $5,000. 16th and Park Road. Two-story colonial: brick, seven rooms, bath, cellar.

hot-water beat, and electile light. Chamberlain metal weather strips on windows: Screens and awnings. front and porches. Conveniently located. Price, $5,500.

Want Offer. Bargain in Mt. Pleasant. Two story colonial brick, sis rooms, bath, and cellar, hot heat, electric light; largo lot. In good repair.

Price Only $4,750. Located in desirable block west of 16th at. We have many desirable houses for sale In all sections of the elty and suburbs, many of which we can give possession almost mediately. We have many bargains to offer In houser of all sizes. Don't tall to Consult Our Sales Department.

GARDINER DENT, 117-14th st. N. W. $3,000 Two-story-and cellar -brick. Six Roonta and bath.

Colonial porch- heat. $3,250 brick. Petworth. Near Hot-water heat. Six rooms and tiled bath.

$4,000 Another semi-detached brick. On The Heights. Six rooms and modern bath. Colonial Porch. $4,900 Attractive New House.

SIx rooms and bath. Hot-water heat--Electric lights. Very cozy. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN IN MANY CASES.

WM. H. SAUNDERS 13th ST. N. W.

HELP WANTED--FEMALE WHITE GIRLS WANTED For messenger work; good pay. Apply E. SIMMONS, Postal Tel. Cable Co. 1-11 GIRL to work in candy and cigar store.

st. N. E. 10 YOUNG LADIES -Bookkeeping. typing.

and general office work: in answering state education, office experience, present and former employers, references: salary from $50 to $100, depending upon experience and capabilities. 137 13th st. N. w. 1-12 YOUNG LADY for office: must have some knowledge of books.

R. W. MONAHAN 1225 Pa. ave. N.

2nd floor. YOUNG LADY Capable of selling and using phones. lary: good chance for advancement. once. Classitied Advertising 'Dept.

The Washington Times NURSE- for small child, to stay rights Call 1739 17th st. N. or phone North 96:9. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Experienced in P. B.

X. work. Apply 727 12th st. N. First Floor.

12 STENOGRAPHERS wanted; good wages. Apply Mr. McPHERSON, Adams Express, 2d and Eve sts. N. E.

5 WAITRESSES- -Two wanted at the Palm Cafe. white: short hours and good pay. 2120 et. N. 1-12 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN-Colored, to clean bath rooms and hall.

Apply LOGAN HOTEL, lowa Circle, cor. 13th st. 11 Domestic. GIRL for general housework: references; fam113 of tRu. 1913 Kenyon st.

N. W. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER-White: stay nights. Call Col. 5336.

1-11 HOUSEWORKER and laundress; no cooking. Apart. 52, THE BRUNSWICK. 1-11 YOUNG lady to wait on table. Apply $95 6th st.

N. W. MAID- -For general housework: small private family; references. Mass. ave.

N. w. WOMAN- cook, wash, and iron; stay nights. 2500 Wisconsin are. 12 WOMAN- Competent white.

as cook in family of 3 adults: references required. 1914 Biltmore st. N. W. Phone Col.

1316. 12 WOMAN to cook and do laundry work in small family; stay nights. Apply COAL YARD. 4th and N. F.

11 WOMEN--For general housework; bring references: no washing. 2812 st. N. W. 1-11 HELP WANTED Male and Female.

MANGLE HANDS -Colored: also washwoman. Apply FRANKLIN LAUNDRY, GOS 13th st. N. w. CHAMBERMAIDS.

waitresses. white and colored: nurse maid, laundress; also man and wife as Janitor and cook: very good wages: also porters. EUREKA, 1011 New York ave. TWO PERSONS- Join small clans shorthand. typewriting: Individual instruction.

BOX 134, Times office. CIVIL SERVICE PHOTO for examinations. Let UR make yours nor. METROPOLITAN STUDIO, 607 Pa. nw.

SITUATIONS WANTED Male. YOUNG MAN desires inside position, clerk or salesman preferred. BOX 201. Times office. POSITION by legal stenographer and clerk: years' experience: can handie tice court work: give full particulars.

Address T. W. 922 I st. N. W.

Female. COMPETENT Government stenographer desires extra night work. BOX 307. Tines office. WANTED- Secretarial position by capable stenographer, desirous of locating in WashIngton; position must pay well or change will not be considered.

Address 1428 W'oodward bldg. STENOGRAPHER-8ix years' technical perience. rapid, accurate; cAn furnish very best of reference, BOX 197, Times office. ROOMS AND BOARD If You Do Not Find What You Want in These Columns. Phone Main 5260 and Ask for MANAGER OF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING.

Furnished. LARGE, comfortable bedroom, suitable for two young ladies: use of. living room, Vlotrola, arrangementa for meals can be made: N. W. section.

Phone Col. 6317. 12 ST. N. W.

1340-Second floor front room and alcove; 3 or 3 gentlemen. PA. 1914-Near War nicely furnished clean rooms; electricity. 1-12 HARVARD ST. N.

1415-Neatly furnished comfortable room: gentlemen only, 1-11 st. N. 306-Two furnished rooms for L. h. near Union Station: reasonable.

ST. N. W. 621-TwO large front second floor, near bath. communicating: well heated, with gas, for 1.

h. $7 per week. 1th ST. N. 619-Nice tight well heated furnished room.

convenient to car lines. 18th 2408-Two nicely furnished rooms, heat. bath and everything convenient: one or two in room; convenient to either line of cars. Phone Col. 4951.

LARGE bright room with lavatory, suitable for two gentlemen. Phone North 6984. ST. N. 1339-Two rooms and bath with board.

MARYLAND AVE. N. newly fur. rooms for men only; one next bath. 17 Wanted Rooms and Board WANTED--By Feb.

1, room and board in private family by a young lady who is employed; state terms. BOX 200, Times office. ELDERLY LADY desires room and board in nice neighborhood; must be on first floor or elevator service. Call Lincoln 3101. Ask for MRS.

WEAVER. 1-10 WANTED--Room and board by elderly gentleman. a home with warm room and wholesome food; downtown; terma must be reasonable. BOX 194, Times office, FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS WOOD! WOOD! 1200 Cords Pine and Oak FOR SALE Cut to any length stove, by furnace the or cord to fireplace: any section delivered of the city; no delay. Pine, $16; Oak, $20 1413 St.

N. Room 4. Phone Main 3147 STENOTTPE-Perfect condition: will sell reasonahle to quick buyer. 467 I st. N.

W. 4280. 12 CANARY BIRD8-Females and singers guaranteed. 409 A st. 8.

E. 1-11 PRINCE ALBERT coat and vest, 38: perfect condition. 1844 Ontario place. Col. 1310-J.

TYPEWRITER. $: electric vibrator, $10; oil painting. $8: child's Hupmobile, cost $12; sell 1 skid chain, $1. 1. st.

S. W. 1-10 INCUBATOR-150 to 175 capacity: absolutely perfect: cost $35: will sacrifice. 108 19th st. N.

W. Franklin 417. 1-10 TWO ARTIST'S EASELS, $3 each: wash bowl set. cost $25. $.: gas and electric Astures.

$6. 1349 N. W. 10 TWO DINING ROOM CHAIRS. one rocker.

kitchen table and small table; also tbreepiece mahogany set: call any tune Sunday. 1416 st. N. fat 36. I.

C. SUPPLIES, hand books. few drawing boards and tables, 3 small sets. large set Instruments: very 14th special N. price.

W. TECHNICAL SUPPLY 723 st. NEW full dress suft. medium size, $26: new 1917 Ford hood cover, $3, Franklin 4903. 5 Musical Instruments.

Columbia, and cabinet. for outfit; act quick. 619 Mane, ave. N. W.

PIANO upright: cost $330: wonderful tone: owner leaving city: $100; also Columbia phonograph and cabinet, for outfit. 513 Mas4. N. W. 13 PIANO -Fisher upright: fine condition, $135, Ineluding stool.

1442 Fairmonit 10 WANTED- -MISCELLANEOUS HIGH CLASS slightly used office furniture: oak preferred: desks, typewriter desks, vertical files, chairs, Index cabinets, bookcases. BOX 304. Times office. WANTED-Band saw. planer, cross-cut saw, machinist lathe and other wood- -working machines.

BOX 202, Times office. WANTED-Furniture for cash. Bell your goods to the man who gives the D.ost money. See HOPWOOD, Sth and K. WANTED--Furniture, pianos, carpets, ete Phone AS 1282 for wagon.

or have us call Pa. ave N. W. CASH prices paid for worn clothing. eithe ladies or men' send postal: will call.

TARSHES. 1308 7th st. nw. Phone North 498 $2, $3, $4, $5, and $6 paid for men's second-band suits J. LEVIN, at.

8, W. Phone Franklia Unfurnished. -E ST. 312-Two rooms, with kitchen, $20; adults; references. Furnished Rooms With Board AT.

N. 1405-Room and board for gentlenian or business woman: excellent table board: small tables; good service: moderate prices. Call Sunday, between 3 and p. m. Franklin 1305.

ST. N. 621-Roons and board for young men; $7 per week. ASHMEAD ST, N. Rooms and board.

Wanted- -Rooms. MOTHER with daughter employed desires housekeeping rooms or will take house with another party, furnished or unfurnished: must be reasonable. BOX 207, Times offer. YOUNG MAX deetres room with private Catholic preferred. BOX 506, Times office.

WANTED- Two young couples desire three furnished rooms; two sleeping rooms and kitchen: for occupancy January reasonable: city or suburban, BOX 216. Times office. ONE OR TWO ROOMS, kitchenette and bath, furnished. or 1. h.

k. rooms; young couple and 1-months-old twin girls; N. W. or N. preferred.

E. J. 308 Riggs bidg. TWO or three housekeeping rooms and kitchenette, for occupancy any (me before February 1st: must be furnished: beet of references. Address BOX 193, Times office.

Table Board. ST. N. Table board, $3.50 per week: dinners. 25 cents.

BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Second Hand Clothing. WORKINGMEN-The one great advantage possessed by this house is the cash to buy. 80 we can pass the value to our fellowmen whose cash la limited: that's the hustlers who keep us busy all the year around; see some slightly used coats and vests, $2 to $3. JUSTH'S OLD STAND, 619 D. 1-13 Furs Remodeled.



GUTTSMAN 150 Pierce st. N. W. Phone Frank. 5431.


C. CONDIE, 1318 N. Window Shades. GOOD quality opaque, BEST quality of Atted to your 55c free opaque: bung 75c window We sell with samples. Ph.


Chiropody, elec. manicur- facial and scalp. 9:9 nw. Open Sun. 6634.

MRS. ORA FIELD. Canaries for sale. NEW TORK AVE. N.

W. MARILDA WILLIAMS 705 6th apart. 2. Main 6188. Stantcuring.

Facial and Scalp Treatment. Dr. Nicholson, 1305 st. N. W.

Acute and chronic of the skin, blood and nerves. Skin cancers sately moved: no cutting. 24 MISS CAIN ment. Manicurn. 716 and ith st.

Sca: N. TreatApart. 1. Phone Main 9835. MISS G.

N. BERRY Facial alt sca Ing. 1004 Ind over Rike manicur. ELLIS Manicuring Tresunent. 716 and 1th AMY N.

apartment 2. DR. REED, SPECIALIST, 804 Seventeenth Street. Over 30 Years successtul Chronic practice in Nervous the and special Diseases of Men and Worsen. Means health to you if you suffer from Catarrh, Obesity.

Rheumatiam, stipation, Throat, Lungs, Brain, Heart. Blood and skin Nervous Debility. Kidney Dis ases, Bladuer Troubles, Brecide Blood Poisoning. Eruptions, Ulcers, and All Private Discuses Cured fur Lite Safe Methods. Bacteria Vaccines, and all the Dew rume and anti-toxina administer d.

Charges low. Medicine furnished Private Waiting Room for ladles. Otice bours: 10 to 1. 8 to 4, 10 to 14. WE HAVE A LIST Of Desirable Residential Properties WHICH WE ARE OFFERING On Most Reasonable Terms.


Phone Line. $4, 1: FOR SALE cheap to quiek buyer, brick house, nearly new, 6 rooma, bath, pantry: cement front porch, two back porches: h. gas' and electricity; hardwood trim; all 1m- provements. Will sacrifice on account leaving city. Apply to owner, 5755 Colorado ave.

N. W. APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished. 14th ST. N.

2811-Two large unfurnished rooms and kitchenette, gas and beat, Call between 5:30 and 6 p. m. 1-9 Wanted. WANTED- One room, kitchenette, bath: furnished: reasonable. BOX 186, Times office, Phone Franklin 3773.

MONEY WANTED TO LOAN WE HAVE MONEY for frat trust loans on D. C. real estate. Lowest rates and, expenses. LOUIS P.

SHOEMAKER. .1407 New York ave. N. W. Ph.

Main 1184. MONEY tO 00 turpiture and any from $10 to $100. Address PO PIE'S TRUST Roasiya, 1-24 MONEY TO to $500.000 a D. C. real estate.

Several trust funds. All treas actiona conducted with economical considers. don- for borrowers. WM. R.

SAUNDERS 00. Southern Bullding, 807 15th at. N. MONEY 10 LOAN 00 real estate: mates: prior payment privileges: amounts TYLER 07 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that. at a meeting of the stockholders of The Washington Land and Mortgage Company, a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia, held at 11 o'clock A.

M. on the 8th day of January, 1915, the following resolutions were adopted: "RESOLVED. frat, That the Washington Land and Mortgage Company, a corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia, does hereby discontinne business as a corporation and surrendera to said State its charter and corporate franchises. The board of directors will proceed to cot. vert the property, choses in n0- tor and all assets of this corporation into cash.

and pay off and discharge all ita debts. ital ilitina and obligations; and after fully discharging all such debts, liabilities and obligations, divide the remainder ainong the stockholders pro rata with their several holdInas of stock. but no such payment shall be made to any stockholder until after the publication of the notice hereinafter provided. "RESOLVED, second, That the president of this corporation cause notice of the adoption of the foregoing resolution to be published in some newspaper of general circulation. published near the principal office or pince of business of this corporation, once week for four successive weeks; and that he certify these resolutions to the secretary of state of the State of West Virgins, and deliver to him a certificate showing the pubTication of said notice.

as provided by law." Given under my hand this Sth day of ary. 1318. CHARLES R. BURHANS. President of Said Corporation.

Attest: WM. S. QUINTER, Secretary. 1-19 Inwen F. Mulialy, Attorney.

IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. -The Bigelow Varnish a corporation, vs. Helen Lang. trading as Lang Decorative Shop. -No.

49700. -Order of publication in attachment. -The object of this suit la to recover the sum of $118.10, with Interest and costs, and to have Judgment of condemnation of certain propof the defendant levied on under an erty attachment laxued in this suit to satisfy the plaintiff's claim. It is, therefore. this 4th day af January, 1918.

ordered that the defendant, Helen Lang. appear in this court on or before the twentleth day, exclusive of Sundave and legal holt lays, after the day of the first publication of thie to defend this suit and spow cause why sal4 condomnations should not be had; the malt will be proceeded with In case of defanit, EDW. B. KIMBALL, Jedce, fra rery. Test: F.

G. AUKAM, Clark, By BLANCHE I NEFF, Ant. Clerk..

Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.