10 Rare Baldur’s Gate 3 Creatures You’ve Probably Never Seen (2024)


  • The world of Baldur's Gate 3 is full of hidden creatures & characters, offering endless choices for players to explore.
  • Some creatures, like the Chult Alioramus, are elusive and require specific actions from players to encounter them.
  • Thorough exploration & unique choices in the game can lead to encounters with deadly creatures and unexpected rewards.

Baldur's Gate 3 is full of fascinating creatures and colorful characters. It's a game with so many different choices that players are unlikely to see everything in one playthrough. Even after completing the game's story many times, players will likely never meet some characters or fight certain monsters.

Some of these elusive creatures are hidden in out-of-the-way areas of the map. Others only appear if players make a specific combination of choices to bring about their involvement. The variety of encounters in the game shows how well Baldur's Gate 3 functions as an RPG and an open-world game, with so much to discover on repeated playthroughs.


Alongside new companions to get to know, Baldur's Gate 3 also sees some familiar characters returning from previous installments in the series.

10 The Chult Alioramus Exists In An Entirely Distinct Part Of The World

These Dinosaurs Exist To Punish Players For "Cheating"

Most of Baldur's Gate 3 takes place in the Sword Coast region of the world, making the inclusion of creatures from the far-off peninsula of Chult a seemingly odd choice. But these dinos never leave their homeland; instead, it is the player who is briefly transported to the center of a Chultan jungle where the creatures reside. This happens as a result of trying to win a game at the Circus of the Last Days, Akabi's Wheel of Wonders. The Djinni running it cheats with a magic item to keep the player from winning, but stealing said item off of him will let them achieve victory.

A small but deadly dinosaur that can be dangerous when faced alone.

The djinni is none too pleased with this outcome, and as a punishment, he teleports the player character to Chult alone. There, they might run into several of the dangerous Alioramus, a small but deadly dinosaur that can be dangerous when faced alone. Sneaking to avoid detection from these beasts is probably the smartest choice, but thoroughly exploring their jungle area yields several of the game's best magic items.

9 The Cloaker Tries To Hide From The Player

This Monster Does Not Want To Be Found

Cloakers are flying manta-ray-like monsters who can create illusory duplicates of themselves, but they prefer to avoid a fight if possible. Only one can be found in Baldur's Gate 3, hiding inside a secluded section of Shar's Gauntlet, perched among some large mushrooms. Even if players spot it, it remains non-hostile unless they get too close to it or the treasure beneath its hiding place.

Even if players spot it, it remains non-hostile unless they get too close to it or the treasure beneath its hiding place.

Finding the cloaker requires a careful eye and a thorough search of Shar's Gauntlet, in a passageway that is entirely unnecessary to completing the Gauntlet's challenges. While it may not yield much in the way of treasure, it makes for a unique fight with its duplication ability and frightening visage. But for players wishing to avoid a fight when possible, it would be best to let the cloaker stay hidden.


Baldur's Gate 3 can end in a number of different ways, but the overarching plot will generally remain similar between different endings.

8 Yafeu The Djinni Is Locked Behind Multiple Magic Barriers

Finding This Character Can Be Rewarding Or Punishing

Deep under Ramazith's Tower is an area known as the Sorcerous Vaults, where the wizard Lorroakan has stashed numerous magical items and books of secret knowledge. Getting to the Vaults is not easy, since players must make it to Act Three and explore the tower thoroughly enough to find the Vault entrance. Even once they are inside, the vault hosts a number of magical traps, illusory walls, and arcane locks to make stealing from it rather difficult.

Touching the lantern will suck a character inside it, trading places with Yafeu and granting him his freedom.

Yafeu the djinni is behind an illusory wall and inside a magic oil lantern. Touching the lantern will suck a character inside it, trading places with Yafeu and granting him his freedom. Once out, Yafeu may insult the party and start a fight, utilizing powerful elemental attacks. However, clever players that use a familiar to touch the lantern will instead be complimented for their smarts and rewarded with a large sum of gold before the Djinni takes his leave.

7 The Armoured Crab Is A Summon Unique To One Opponent

Seek A Certain Redcap To Find These Strange Beasts

Armored crabs are, as their name would suggest, crabs with tough shells that can deal great damage with their claws. They only appear in one encounter in the game, and even then, it is not guaranteed that they will make an appearance. Players adept at combat may shut the fight down before their summoner has a chance to bring them into the fold.

Players may kill Jatlo before he takes his first turn, which is when he summons a large group of armoured crabs to kill the hag survivors.

These crabs belong to Jatlo, a Redcap in service to Auntie Ethel. He shows up in disguise at Old Garlow's Place to terrorize the Hag survivor group. Players who ignore this location and the NPCs associated it, such as Mayrina, may never have cause to investigate. But doing so allows the player to discover Jatlo's treachery, at which point he turns hostile. Players may kill Jatlo before he takes his first turn, which is when he summons a large group of armoured crabs to kill the hag survivors. Thus, players can avoid these creatures by using an aggressive play style.


Baldur's Gate 3: Every Permanent Buff And How To Get It

In Baldur’s Gate 3, permanent buffs are those that persist through death and without a time limit, and here’s how to get each one across the acts.

6 The Combustion Belly Spiderlings Act As An Infernal Failsafe

Attempting To Outwit A Fiend Will Bring These Creatures Upon You

Much like the armoured crabs, these spiderlings are exclusively a summon of another character in the game. This time, they belong to Mizora, a fiend and Wyll's warlock patron. They appear in Act Three as a result of Wyll and the player trying to outsmart the devil. To find these explosive arachnids, players must have Wyll on their team, and they must save Mizora from the Absolute in Act Two.

When she shows up next, it will be to offer Wyll a deal: sell his soul to save his imprisoned father or gain his freedom in exchange for his father's life. To see the spiders, players must convince Wyll to choose his freedom, seemingly forfeiting his father, Ulder Ravengard. However, he is not yet lost. Players can attempt to outsmart Mizora by finding and rescuing Ravengard all on their own without her advice.

To see the spiders, players must convince Wyll to choose his freedom.

Doing this angers her, and she will summon a group of combustion belly spiderlings around Wyll's father during the escape in an attempt to kill him anyway. The spiders run up to and explode next to the nearest creature hostile to them, making them deadly against the injured older man. Luckily, using a dimension door spell or something similar can still get Ravenagrd to safety, completing the player's outwitting of Mizora.


Baldur's Gate 3: Should You Save or Kill Mizora in Act 2?

During Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, players come across the difficult choice of either saving or killing Mizora. Here are the pros and cons of each.

5 The Necrotic & Soporific Rats Appear When Their Brethren Are Threatened

These Unique Rats Are The Last Line Of Defense For A Secret Miniboss

These two variants of the typical rats in Baldur's Gate 3 are green and pink, respectively, and each has special abilities to set them apart. Necrotic rats deal extra damage, while soporific ones can put characters to sleep. Both variants can only be found in a specific fight in the Gauntlet of Shar, on the lowest level of the area.

To trigger the encounter, players must repeatedly antagonize the rats throughout the Gauntlet.

To trigger the encounter, players must repeatedly antagonize the rats throughout the Gauntlet, killing them or otherwise behaving aggressively. This will cause many of them to flee to a lower level, where (if the player can speak with animals) they will offer one last chance to leave them alone. Refusal to do so invokes the rats' fury, and they attack the player in large numbers, with many of these variants showing up to join the fray. Killing them all results in the appearance of a hidden character, with his own fight and some magical rewards.

4 Bloodmarrow Skeletons Appear In Certain Versions Of A Late-Game Fight

The Temple Of Bhaal's Final Brawl Differs Greatly Depending On Player Choices

One of the final fights in Act 3 will likely be against Orin the Red, the current leader of the cult of Bhaal and a vicious, unhinged murderer. She has likely kidnapped a member of the party by the time they come to fight her and will use her hostage as an incentive to fight the player in the way she wishes. For Dark Urge characters, this will be a one-on-one duel, while for other origin and custom characters, it will be a more structured group skirmish.

The bloodmarrow skeletons will never show up for the Dark Urge variant of the fight, as they are a unique summon Orin can create from the corpses of her fallen allies. In a one-on-one, there will be no dead allies to use. However, these summons may still not show up for other characters if they learn the truth about Orin's parentage and use that information to goad her into transforming into her final form, the Slayer, at the fight's beginning. In this form, Orin cannot summon her bloodmarrow skeletons, and thus the creatures will be avoided entirely.

They have a unique blood-red look and their attacks inflict Bleed on the player, but other than that, they are nothing too tough.

As for the actual monsters, bloodmarrow skeletons are fairly close to normal skeletons in their stats and abilities. They have a unique blood-red look and their attacks inflict Bleed on the player, but other than that, they are nothing too tough. Still, they are an interesting component of this boss fight that many will unknowingly avoid through their actions during the course of the story.

3 The Cursed Imp Resides In A Desolate Corner of Act Three

Only The Most Thorough Explorers Will Stumble Upon This Wretched Fiend

At the western edge of the Lower City map, next to the church of Umberlee, there is a dilapidated dock with a few ships moored to it. Venturing out across the ruined parts of this dock will bring players to a ship called the Lustrous Lass, which is apparently off limits due to a quarantine. Breaking down the barriers in front of it and boarding the ship anyway will immediately cause the player and their party to become sick with a Sea Plague, which likely caused the deaths of the sailors strewn about the deck.

A green Imp variant that immediately attacks the player.

The only other thing on board is a normal-looking treasure chest, but once opened, it is revealed that the chest contains a Cursed Imp, a green Imp variant that immediately attacks the player. It can fly and cast ray of sickness, but beyond that, it can't take any powerful actions. However, it has an ability called "caustic retort," which reflects any damage done to it back on the attacker threefold as acid damage. This effect, coupled with the Imp's large health pool, makes it difficult to bring down, since it will likely deal around 300 damage before it dies.

2 Zombie Forms Of Minthara and Dror Ragzlin Are Rare Finds In Act Two

Player Must Make A Series Of Odd Choices To Find These Undead

Most players will meet Minthara and Dror Ragzlin in Act One, where they act as villainous foes or potential allies in service of the Absolute. Both can be killed either in the goblin camp or during their siege on the Emerald Grove, though as many now know, knocking Minthara unconscious allows them to recruit her later on as a party member. However, "evil" players can also side with them and take out the Grove, as is often the choice of players going for an evil playthrough.

Two familiar characters stumbling around in the necromantic laboratory: Minthara and Dror Ragzlin, now zombies and servants of Balthazar.

But an odd combination of heroic and villainous acts will allow the characters to show back up as zombies in Act Two. First, players must kill them in the goblin camp in Act 1. Next, in Act 2, they must knock out Isobel and let Marcus kidnap her, causing the downfall of Last Light Inn. Next, in the Gauntlet of Shar, they must help Balthazar abduct the Nightsong, then return to Moonrise Towers. All of this must be done to gain the trust of Ketheric Thorm, the Absolutist general, and gain an audience with his "god."


Every Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Option, Ranked Worst To Best

Players in Baldur's Gate 3 can choose any of their traveling companions to begin a romance with. However which ones are worth the time to woo?

At this point, however, the player will be betrayed and abducted themselves, placed in a tank in Balthazar's underground lab. As long as all of this has been done, the player will spy two familiar characters stumbling around in the necromantic laboratory: Minthara and Dror Ragzlin, now zombies and servants of Balthazar. They each retain some of their racial abilities but lack their weapons. Instead, they attack with simple slams and are now reduced to undead servants of the vile necromancer.

1 The Moonlight Sliver Celestials Arrive In The Nightsong's Time Of Need

Betraying One Of The Best Allies In The Game Causes A Fight With These Angels

In Act Three, players who saved the Nightsong (or Dame Aylin) may go to speak with the wizard Lorroakan, who is looking for her. Lorroakan wishes to imprison the Aasimar much like Ketheric once did to gain immortality, a selfish goal that also works against the player, since it would incapacitate one of their most powerful allies. As such, most players will either turn the wizard down or return with Dame Aylin to take him out for good.

These angels are very powerful in Baldur's Gate 3, with the ability to deal enormous amounts of radiant damage.

However, players that do betray Aylin and bring her to Lorroakan will have a fight on their hands, as Aylin summons a group of Moonlight Sliver Celestials to back her up. These angels are very powerful in Baldur's Gate 3, with the ability to deal enormous amounts of radiant damage with their weapon attacks and their reactions, as well as to cast a unique version of globe of invulnerability. Most players should consider themselves lucky to have never run into this elite squad.


Baldur's Gate 3 featured some of Dungeons & Dragons’ most powerful gods and deities, either as characters or as part of the game's class options.

10 Rare Baldur’s Gate 3 Creatures You’ve Probably Never Seen (2024)


Should I destroy the brain Baldur's Gate 3? ›

If you roll successfully on either three options, you'll whip the brain out. If you fail the roll, you can always load back and try again, or be faced with either destroying or leaving it. If you destroy it, you'll squash it with no chance to fail. Leaving it in the body ends the quest and Us won't join your party.

What is the most op class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.

What's still missing from Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Upper City Is Missing From Baldur's Gate 3

The most noticeable missing content from Baldur's Gate 3, and the one causing most of the contention with the community, is the entire Upper City of Baldur's Gate.

How do you get the Owlbear cub and dog in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Here's the way to get it:
  1. Use social manipulation to enter the Goblin Camp as an ally, assuring the guards you're allowed inside.
  2. Immediately look left to find the Goblin Krolla, who runs Chicken-Chasing, and the Owlbear Cub!
  3. Tell Krolla you're leaving and taking the Cub with you.
Oct 31, 2023

Is the brain evil in BG3? ›

The talking brain is an intellect devourer, something the character may find out with an automatic Arcana check when they engage with it. In this universe, they are evil entities. This specific one is named Us. A purely good Paladin or Cleric may wish to destroy the brain on the spot.

What happens if I mutilate the brain in BG3? ›

Mutilating the Intellect Devourer may sound like a safety precaution, but the only consequence we know of is that if you fail, you'll have to fight it - and there's no positives to succeeding mutilating it at time of writing.

What is the strongest character build in BG3? ›

What are the best BG3 builds?
  • Berserker Barbarian: for close-up power and leaving enemies prone.
  • College of Valour Bard: for resistance to status effects and higher damage output than your typical Bard.
  • Light Cleric: For regeneration and healing to the max.
  • Moon Druid: For the most shapeshifting abilities and raw power.
Jul 30, 2024

What is the hardest class to play in BG3? ›

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Allies In The Final Battle, Ranked

Out of the available subclass options, Oathbreaker is one of the hardest for a player to master, although they no longer need to worry about giving their oath in check.

What is the best solo class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Classes. The best overall classes for solo play are the Ranger, Barbarian, and Wizard. The Ranger has high initiative and can be multiclass with the Rogue for extra utility. Barbarians have high health and damage reduction, and with the Half-Orc race, a free revive per long rest.

What is the controversy with BG3? ›

Fans were quick to react, vehemently criticizing these developers for their stance. The prevailing attitude became that developers were greedy and lazy for suggesting they should not be held to a higher standard. Fans no longer want games to be released that are incomplete or have content hidden behind paywalls.

Can you explore the Upper City in BG3? ›

Upper City is a location in Baldur's Gate in Act Three. The Upper City can only be accessed during the quest Confront the Elder Brain or by Ramazith's Tower. This page is in the process of being constructed or reformatted.

Will Larian add Upper City in BG3? ›

Rumors swirled before and after launch that the studio planned on adding the Upper City of Baldur's Gate 3 as a playable area – spurred on by Larian saying it would be playable early in BG3's production – though it looks like that's probably never going to happen now.

Should I let Astarion bite me? ›

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

What happens if you scare the owlbear cub? ›

As long as the cub is spared and not stuck in the goblin camp (i.e. the party freed him or cleared the camp before he was captured), the cub will appear at the Campsite one evening. He can be fed, but he will get scared by another member of the camp and run off. He will reappear after another long rest, injured.

Can you become a vampire in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood. While this will grant them access to the basic Vampiric Bite ability, they'll be much weaker than Astarion.

Should you control the Elder Brain in BG3? ›

If you choose the 'submit to the Elder Brain' option at any time, the game will end. This is technically one of the multiple ending options, and it's certainly not one of the best options, but it's worth doing if you're trying to see every possible outcome - and if you have a recent quick-save to go back to.

Should you consume the mind flayer brain BG3? ›

If the Mind Flayer is fed, it will leave the windmill after a long rest. It will later re-appear in the Lower City, killing a couple of NPCs. The Mind Flayer can still be killed for its brain after giving it a corpse, but consuming it at this point will not grant an additional illithid skill point.

Should I purge mind or consume BG3? ›

Unless you're doing an evil playthrough and don't care enough about the advantage on Intelligence saving throws that the Githzerai Mind Barrier provides, it is highly advisable that you purge the Waking Mind's consciousness rather than consume it.

Can you actually dominate the brain in BG3? ›

How To Defeat The Elder Brain. It is actually impossible to dominate the Elder Brain during your first encounter with it at the caustic brine lake. The final check is set at DC99. If, bychance, you manage a critical success (natural 20) on this roll, you will still not be able to dominate it.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.