Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (2024)


  • Buff Grenades like Haste Spore Flask turn the tide of battles with extra actions and benefit for characters.
  • Arrows of Slaying are ideal for specific boss fights, doubling damage to favored enemy types like Beasts.
  • Damage Grenades and Weapon Coatings provide AoE damage and surfaces for strategic play in different encounters.

Baldur's Gate 3 will stand the test of time as a turning point in what video games can be, look like, and feel like. With more than 17,000 permutations, every playthrough is promised to be unique and distinct (provided players make different choices each time). This, too, means that various combat strategies come into play regarding playstyles, character builds, and more.


Baldur's Gate 3: Best Characters To Romance, Ranked

every romance option in Baldur's Gate 3 offers unique stories and companion quests that can further the journey and emotional growth of the game.

Enter: combat consumable items. Of course, the standard Healing Potion is a feature in the game, but there are so many other types of combat items in Baldur's Gate 3 that players can exploit. This doesn't refer to equipment such as jewelry, weapons, or armor. It also does not include story items, even if they are consumables like the Tadpole Elixir, Iron Flask, or Scrolls as they function as spells in combat as opposed to items with unique effects. Just what are the best combat items in Baldur's Gate 3?

This article contains spoilers for various aspects of the game Baldur's Gate 3 including late-game boss fights and character reveals.

1 Buff Grenades Like Haste Spore Flask

Turn The Tide Of A Few Battles

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (2)
  • Avoids Lethargic debuff of Potion of Speed
  • Can affect anyone who steps into the spore cloud

This one sits at the bottom of the list for two main reasons: there aren't that many of this kind of item and the ones players do get or can craft aren't numerous either. There's really only one kind and it all comes back to the Myconids. Haste Spores provide the same benefits that the Potion of Speed does: a character can take extra actions in the same turn, gain increased movement speed, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gain +2 AC.

However, the cloud of spores provides doubled movement speed and players can avoid the Lethargic debuff entirely. If they stay in the spores or re-enter them, they regain the Haste status. Use the grenade or flask, but remember that the Grenade effects do not last as long as the Flasks.


AoE Size


Haste Spore Flask

3 meters

Creates a permanent Haste Spore cloud that grants Haste for 1 turn.

Haste Spore Grenade

2 meters

Creates a Haste Spore cloud for 3 turns that grants Haste for 1 turn.

2 Arrows Of Slaying

Great For Specific Enemies

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (3)
  • Available throughout the game, but not commonly sold or found
  • Ideal for specific boss fights and enemies

Many players may not feel that the various "Arrows of X Slaying" are worth the trouble to use or gold to pick them up. But they can prove very useful at higher difficulties and against specific enemies. These arrows double damage done to whatever enemy type they favor such as Beast or Aberration.

For instance, the difficulty of the Ansur fight can be mitigated by using Arrows of Dragon Slaying. Fighting the Steel Watch gets a bit easier by using the Arrows of Construct Slaying. The game hands out different kinds throughout the campaign and players can buy them from merchants as well.


Where to Buy


  • Quartermaster Talli
  • Fytz the Firecracker


  • A'jak'nir Jeera
  • Fytz the Firecracker
  • Entharl Danthelon
  • Lady Esther
  • Exxvikyap


  • Barcus Wroot (Last Light Inn)
  • Quartermaster Talli
  • Fytz the Firecracker


  • A'jak'nir Jeera
  • Quartermaster Talli


  • A'jak'nir Jeera


  • Roah Moonglow (Moonrise Towers/Shattered Sanctum)
  • Barcus Wroot (Last Light Inn)
  • A'jak'nir Jeera


  • Barcus Wroot (Last Light Inn)
  • Dammon (Last Light Inn)


  • Fytz the Firecracker
  • Roah Moonglow (Moonrise Towers/Shattered Sanctum)


  • Dammon (Last Light Inn)
  • A'jak'nir Jeera

3 Damage Grenades

Deal AoE Damage Or Set Up A Spell Wombo Combo

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (4)
  • Great for setting up future turns or damaging large groups of foes
  • Some can create surfaces that can damage the player's party, too

Dealing damage with consumable items like grenades is not a foreign concept to most gamers. But BG3 has the added effects of things like surfaces and how players can leverage their spells, weapon coatings, or enemy attacks with those surfaces. Grenades such as Alchemist's Fire or Holy Water both do damage and create surfaces.

That said, most players won't find themselves reaching for a grenade all too often as the damage output is not nearly as useful in the mid-to-late game. However, players who sell their blood to Araj Oblodra can purchase a powerful combat item called the Sanguine Explosive in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate (multiple times!).


AoE Size


Spiked Bulb

4 meters

Causes affected entities to Bleed for 1 turn and deals 1 Piercing damage.

Acid Vial

2 meters

Creates a permanent Acid surface and deals 2d6Acid damage to affected entities.

Achlemist's Fire

3 meters

Creates a Fire surface and causes affected entities to burn for 2 turns.

Noxious Spore Grenade

2 meters

Creates an area of Noxious Fumes for 3 turns.

Holy Water

2 meters

Creates a permanent Water surface and deals 3d6Radiant damage to affected Undead and Fiends.

Scrap and Shrapnel Grenade

4 meters

Causes affected entities to Bleed for 1 turn and deals 1 Piercing damage.

Smokepowder Bomb

4 meters

Affected entities take 3d4+9Force damage.

4 Utility Grenades

Effective For Fights With Lots Of Enemies

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (5)
  • Ideal for groups of spellcasters or ranged damage dealers
  • Keeps enemies unable to attack or unlikely to land a hit

Leveraging negative status effects like movement speed reduction or confusion becomes increasingly important throughout BG3. One of the first fights where crowd control feels mandatory is when/if the player and party attack the Goblin Camp in Act I. The hoards of half-drunk gobbos running toward the player can be slowed easily with crowd control.


Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Strongest Companions, Ranked

To build optimized parties in BG3, strong companions are often part of the formula. Consequently, here are the game's strongest companions.

There are plenty of spells for just this effect, but not everyone likes to rely on spellcasting or maintain spell slots for battle. Using crowd-control grenades like the easy-to-come-by Grease Bottle is a no-brainer in any battle. More specialized items such as the Hearthlight Bomb or Flashblinder come in handy against specific enemy types, as well. Keep some of these in character inventories just in case of an emergency.


AoE Size


Void Bulb

6 meters

Pulls creatures into the point of impact and deals 1Force damage.

Caustic Bulb

3 meters

Creates a permanent Caustic Brine surface.

Grease Bottle

3 meters

Creates a Grease surface that can inflict Prone on entities susceptible to Difficult Terrain.

Web Grenade

3 meters

Creates a Web area for 10 turns.

Oil Flask

3 meters

Creates an Oil area that can be set on fire until a Long Rest.


6 meters

  • Inflicts Blinded on affected entities for 10 turns.
  • Also stuns and inflicts 1d6 penalty to Attack Rolls for Scrying Eyes and Steel Watchers.

Hearthlight Bomb

9 meters

Creates a light source in an area for 10 turns.

Fungal Bamboozler

2 meters

Creates an area of Timmask Spores for 3 turns that can cause Befuddlement for 1 turn.

5 Weapon Coatings

Especially Useful Early-Mid Game

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (7)
  • Best for melee fighters like dual-wielding Rogues and Fighters
  • Come in lots of varieties to suit many battles

Though many enemies have high resistances in the late game of BG3, early to mid-game enemies can be thwarted quickly by exploiting various weapon coatings. Though the early items focus on poison, other options include things like Oil of Bane that can inflict Bane on a target when attacked with a weapon coated in the item.

Many veteran players opt to use the Purple Worm Toxin for the most effectiveness as others such as Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer take rare resources to create. Karabasan's Poison, a powerful paralytic, is available all over Act III, so try it out in the next playthrough.



Basic Poison

Inflicts Poisoned for 3 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Simple Toxin

Inflicts Simple Toxin for 1 turn on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Drow Poison

Inflicts Sleeping and Poisoned for 10 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Serpent Fang Toxin

Inflicts Serpent Fang Toxin for 1 turn on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Wyvern Toxin

Inflicts Wyvern Toxin for 1 turn on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Purple Worm Toxin

Inflicts Purple Worm Toxin for 1 turn on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Thisobald's Brewed-Up Bellyglummer

Inflicts Brewed-Up Bellyglummer until a Long Rest on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Diluted Oil of Sharpness

  • Provides a +1 Attack roll and Damage for 10 turns.
  • Grants the ability to overcome Resistance to non-magical damage for 10 turns.

Oil of Diminution

Inflicts poison for 3 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Oil of Accuracy

Inflicts Reduced for 2 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Wizardsbane Oil

Inflicts Wizardsbane Oil for 2 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Crawler Mucus

Inflicts Paralyzed and Poisoned until a Long Rest on a target attacked with the coated weapon.


Inflicts Stricken with Malice until a Long Rest on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Karabasan's Poison

Inflicts Paralyzed and Poisoned until a Long Rest on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Oil of Bane

Inflicts Bane for 2 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Oil of Freezing

Inflicts Encrusted with Frost for 2 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Oil of Combustion

Inflicts Oil of Combustion for 2 turns on a target attacked with the coated weapon.

Arsonist's Oil

Turns a target's Fire resistance to Fire weakness for 2 turns.

6 Arrows That Do Something Special/Specific

A Game Changer For Many Areas And Fights

  • Function like a "cheat code" in certain instances
  • Extremely helpful for ranged healing, quick movement, and Concentration interruption

Who else didn't enjoy the Temple of Bhaal entrance fight? Here's a new strategy to try: just have every character use Arrows of Transposition to bypass most of the fighting and get to the exit instead. The Arrow of Salving also lets players heal other characters without having to touch them, as the case usually is with many healing spells.

But the Arrow of Arcane Interference comes especially in handy as players get into the late game of BG3. They can use it to break the Concentration of an enemy whether they are targeting the player's party or buffing an enemy character instead.



Arrow of Salving

  • Cures the target of negative statuses including Blinded, Poisoned, and Paralyzed

Arrow of Transposition

  • Transports the target to wherever they fire the arrow

Arrow of Arcane Interference

  • Capable of interrupting spellcasting by breaking a target's Concentration
  • Can inflict Silence

7 Utility Potions That Provide Or Enhance Abilities

Gotta Go Fast...And Fly...And...Sleep?

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (9)
  • Vast applications across the game to add different variables to battles
  • Many are readily available at various merchants and/or can be crafted

Sleeping during combat sounds like the worst idea imaginable, but the Potions of Angelic Reprieve and Slumber provide the effects of a Short Rest and Long Rest, respectively. For spell slot-hungry casters like Gale, these potions can be total game changers. The Potion of Speed provides Haste, which is highly exploitable in late-game fights, too. But not all of these potion types are created equally.


BG3 is full of permanent bonuses players can obtain. Here's a guide to finding them all.

For instance, the Remedial Potion and Basilisk Oil both remove negative status effects, but they aren't as useful in combat as something like a Potion of Flying. The table below ranks the potions based on their inherent combat usefulness.



Potion of Mind Reading

Allows the target to cast Detect Thoughts at will while talking to certain creatures until a Long Rest.

Potion of Animal Speaking

Allows the target to converse with animals until a Long Rest.

Potion of Gaseous Form

  • Turns the target into a gaseous form.
  • Target becomes Tiny in size.
  • Sets Strength and Dexterity to 10.
  • Grants advantage on Dexterity, Constitution, and Strength saving throws.
  • Grants resistance to all damage.
  • Target is unable to cast spells, attack, or speak in this form.

Potion of Sleep

Inflicts Sleep for 3 turns and can be thrown at enemies.

Potion of Invisibility

  • Grants the target Invisibility for 10 turns or until they attack, take an action, cast a spell, or take damage.
  • Grants advantage when attacking and disadvantage to attackers.

Basilisk Oil

Cures petrification.

Potion of Feather Fall

Slows the rate of falling, granting the target immunity to fall damage for 10 turns.

Potion of Glorious Vaulting

Triples the target's jump distance for 10 turns.


Cures any poison.

Potion of Vitality

Cures any Disease or Poison.

Remedial Potion

Removes the negative statuses Silence, Poisoned, Blinded, and Paralyzed.

Potion of Angelic Reprieve

After 2 full turns of uninterrupted sleeping, the target gains the benefit of a Short Rest, regaining all Level 1 and 2 spell slots.

Potion of Angelic Slumber

After 2 full turns of uninterrupted sleeping, the target gains the benefit of a Long Rest.

Potion of Flying

Grants the target Flight for 10 turns.

Potion of Speed

Grants the target Haste for 3 turns, followed by 1 turn of Lethargic.

8 Multi-Enemy Or Elemental Damage Arrows

Beware Of Friendly Fires And Enemy Resistances

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (11)
  • Best for ranged non-magical damage dealers, but also great for anyone with a bow
  • Can be used in tandem with spells to proc effects such as Encrusted with Frost

Any player opting for a ranged, non-spellcasting build will want to keep elemental damage arrows in stock. Not only do these add elemental damage to normal weapon attacks, but they often create surfaces as well or do area-of-effect damage. The best part is that, technically, anyone can use them -- even on extra attacks as with Rogues, Warriors, some Bard builds, and Barbarians.

It's extremely easy to come by elemental damage arrows as loot from enemies or the surroundings and, of course, from merchants throughout the game. Just keep in mind that using an elemental damage arrow on an enemy that has resistance to that element may not work out as well as with other enemies.



Barbed Arrow

Deals 1d4 Piercing + Weapon Damage when moving for 5 turns.

Arrow of Fire

2d4 Fire+Weapon Damage and creates a fire surface for 2 turns.

Arrow of Cold

2d4 Cold+Weapon Damage and creates an ice surface for 2 turns.

Arrow of Roaring Thunder

Deals Weapon Damage and knocks targets back by up to 5 meters.

Arrow of Lightning

2d4 Lightning+Weapon Damage

Arrow of Acid

2d4 Acid+Weapon Damage and creates a permanent Acid surface.

Arrow of Darkness

Deals Weapon Damage and creates a cloud of Darkness that can inflict Blind for 3 turns.

Arrow of Piercing

Deals Weapon Damage+half that damage to any creatures behind the original target.

Smokepowder Arrow

Deals 4d6 Fire+4d6 Force+Weapon Damage and knocks targets back.

Arrow of Ilmater

Deals 1d4 Necrotic+Weapon Damage and target cannot regain Hit Points for 1 turn.

Arrow of Many Targets

Deals Weapon Damage+half that damage to original target and three other targets in range.

9 Elixirs Of Resistance

Invest Early And Exploit Late Game

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (12)
  • Players can leverage these late game to mitigate damage from high-level enemies
  • Readily available from many merchants and/or can be crafted

Especially in higher difficulties of combat, resistances to certain damage types such as Necrotic and Psychic become paramount. Elixirs of Resistance do exactly what their name suggests: provide boosted damage resistance against a specific damage type. All but the Universal Resistance Elixir lasts until the player takes a Long Rest, but this item is still very much worth having in the inventory.

Players can craft or buy the Elixir of Universal Resistance, too (which they should) even though it only lasts for 10 turns in battle. Think of the late-game fights where characters can take three or more types of elemental damage in a single turn. Every action counts and so does every Hit Point.



Elixir of Acid Resistance

Grants target resistance to Acid damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Poison Resistance

Grants target resistance to Poison damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Cold Resistance

Grants target resistance to Cold damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Fire Resistance

Grants target resistance to Fire damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Force Resistance

Grants target resistance to Force damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Radiant Resistance

Grants target resistance to Radiant damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Lightning Resistance

Grants target resistance to Lightning damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Thunder Resistance

Grants target resistance to Thunder damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Psychic Resistance

Grants target resistance to Psychic damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Necrotic Resistance

Grants target resistance to Necrotic damage until a Long Rest

Elixir of Universal Resistance

Grants target resistance to all damage for 10 rounds of combat

10 Healing Potions

The Old Standard No One Should Overlook

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (13)
  • Just buy all of them every time they're available
  • Distribute them among the party as needed

Not much needs to be said about Healing Potions other than hoard all of them. Unlike Divinity Original Sin 2, players cannot merge smaller potions into bigger potions. They'll just have to use up the lesser potions outside of combat when the amount healed is less important.


Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Best Items For Strength

Dominate the battlefield with bone-crushing power! Here are the best Strength items in Baldur's Gate 3.

When it comes to battle, be sure to provide characters with the types of Healing Potion that best suits them. Lae'zel or Karlach might need the Supreme Healing Potions since they probably have more health than someone like Astarion or Gale. In the base difficulty of the game, merchants regularly restock with Healing Potions, too, so players should not have issues keeping them around.



Potion of Healing

  • Restores 2d4+2 hit points to the target
  • Removes Burning

Potion of Greater Healing

  • Restores 4d4+4 hit points to the target
  • Removes Burning

Potion of Superior Healing

  • Restores 8d4+8 hit points to the target
  • Removes Burning

Potion of Supreme Healing

  • Restores 10d4+20 hit points to the target
  • Removes Burning

11 Utility Elixirs That Buff Character Stats

Use An Elixir, Save A Spell Slot!

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (15)
  • Some are best to be used before players start their day's journey but others are strictly for combat
  • Can further empower specific character builds to be even more powerful

These combat items all provide a buff or boost to some aspect of a character. If someone wants to avoid being surprised in the quest to save Oskar Fevras in Baldur's Gate, they might use an Elixir of See Invisibility. In the fight against Ketheric Thorm, someone standing in his necrotic aura might drink an Elixir of Heroism beforehand.

The real benefit of these Elixirs is that they don't cost spell slots to impart the buffs to characters. If someone wants to do a playthrough with little to no Long Rests, then Elixirs will be their new best friends.



Elixir of Arcane Cultivation

Target gains another Level 1 spell slot.

Greater Elixir of Arcane Cultivation

Target gains another Level 2 spell slot.

Superior Elixir of Arcane Cultivation

Target gains another Level 3 spell slot.

Supreme Elixir of Arcane Cultivation

Target gains another Level 4 spell slot.

Elixir of Barkskin

Target has their AC raised to 16.

Elixir of Heroism

Target gains Bless and 10 temporary Hits Points.

Elixir of Bloodlust

Once per turn, when the target kills a foe, they gain 5 temporary Hit Points and an additional Action.

Elixir of Vigilance

Target cannot be surprised and gains a +5 bonus to Initiative

Elixir of Battlemage's Power

Target gains Arcane Acuity for a maximum of 3 turns, providing +1 to spell save DC and spell Attack rolls.

Elixir of Guileful Movement

Target gains Freedom of Movement, providing immunity to Difficult Terrain and movement speed reducing magical effects or spell, and the player cannot be restrained or paralyzed.

Elixir of Viciousness

Target has the number needed to land a Critical Hit reduced by 1.

Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength

Target has their Strength increased to 27.

Elixir of the Colossus

Targets gains the Enlarged status, providing increased size, advantage on Strength checks, and +1d4 damage to weapon attacks.

Elixir of Darkvision

Target gains Darkvision and can see to the range of 12 - 24 meters.

Elixir of See Invisibility

Targets gain the ability to see any creature with Invisibility.

Elixir of Peerless Focus

  • Magic cannot put the target to sleep.
  • Target gains Advantage on Concentration saving throws and against becoming Charmed.
Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (16)
Baldur's Gate 3
PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X

August 3, 2023
Larian Studios
Baldur's Gate 3: Most Useful Items In Combat (2024)


What items are useful in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

  • 3 Dark Amethyst.
  • 4 Water Bottles & Jugs. ...
  • 5 Wyvern Poison. ...
  • 6 Thieves Tools & Trap Disarm Toolkits. ...
  • 7 Salami. ...
  • 8 Githyanki Egg. ...
  • 9 Shovel. ...
  • 10 Candles. Candles can be found everywhere in Baldur's Gate 3 in boxes, bags and chests. ...
Aug 23, 2023

What are the best items in Baldur's Gate Act 3? ›

The best Act 3 items in Baldur's Gate 3 are Staff of Cherished Necromancy, Bhaalist Armour, and Robe of the Weave. The Staff of Cherished Necromancy can give repeated free Necromancy spells and increase damage.

What are the most important items to get in Act 1 BG3? ›

The best Act 1 items in Baldur's Gate 3 are Silver Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, Adamantine Splint Armour, and Disintegrating Night Walkers. These items are the most powerful for increasing damage, survivability, and mobility.

What should I not sell in BG3? ›

Orange items, soul coins, and high-level spell scrolls should never be sold - they are crucial for progression and survival.

Should you keep ingots in BG3? ›

Baldur's Gate 3: Should You Sell Ingots And Gems? Ingots and gems in Baldur's Gate 3 are mostly useless and should be sold to vendors for their gold value. There are a few exceptions, such as Infernal Iron needed for Karlach's quest and Mithral Ore for crafting rare gear at the Adamantine forge.

What is the most op class in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.

What is the highest damage weapon in Baldur's Gate? ›

Greatsword – the most damage-dealing weapon in BG3. Quarterstaff – best weapon for spell casters with free spells and powerful bonuses. Longbow – is the best range weapon, with great choices throughout BG3. Hand Crossbow – dual-wielded range weapon that can use bonus actions for extra damage.

Should I destroy the brain Baldur's Gate 3? ›

If you roll successfully on either three options, you'll whip the brain out. If you fail the roll, you can always load back and try again, or be faced with either destroying or leaving it. If you destroy it, you'll squash it with no chance to fail. Leaving it in the body ends the quest and Us won't join your party.

What is the best build in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Oath of Vengeance Paladin build

This is arguably still the best build in Baldur's Gate 3 even following balance patches as it has incredible versatility and works with most party compositions. Be careful though, as many of its best moves are Concentration Spells, which can't overlap and can be interrupted.

Can you be evil in BG3? ›

1: Yes, going evil will have some companions leave you (specifically Karlach, Wyll, and Gale... though I think you can persuade Gale into staying.). In return you do get a couple evil companions. 2: While it is entirely possible to do an evil playthrough, doing so cuts out a massive portion of the game's content.

What happens if you give the hag your eye in BG3? ›

Your new eye gives you +1 on intimidation, but a disadvantage on perception checks and attacks against hags. Perception is an important stat in Baldur's Gate 3, so it depends on whether or not your party can pick up the slack or not.

What is the best Fighter armor in BG3? ›

Obtain the legendary Helldusk Armour, the best item for Fighters in Baldur's Gate 3, from Raphael in the House of Hope late in Act 3. With an unmatched 21 Armor Class and four special perks, this legendary armor offers superior offensive and defensive capabilities in one piece of equipment.

What is the best legendary weapon in BG3? ›

1 Balduran's Giantslayer

This weapon grants you Advantage on Attack Rolls against Large, Huge, or Gargantuan creatures. Barbarians, Fighters, and Paladins can rejoice, as the best greatsword in Baldur's Gate 3 can be there own.

Is there any legendary armor in BG3? ›

The majority of the legendary armor can be found towards the end of Baldur's Gate 3 in Act Three. In fact, there are currently only five legendary armor pieces in the game, making tracking them down essential for any playthrough.

What items should I save in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

  1. 1 Useful Magic Items.
  2. 2 Potions. ...
  3. 3 Elemental Arrows. ...
  4. 4 Quest Items. ...
  5. 5 Magic Scrolls. These allow your party members to cast spells no matter their class. ...
  6. 6 Food. Your player will need a lot of rest in Baldur's Gate 3. ...
Aug 27, 2023

What items to sell in Baldurs Gate 3? ›

While many of the items that players can happily sell hardly take up any weight in the player's inventory, the items that weigh the heaviest, such as armor or weapons, are likely to give the most coin. These items are plentiful in Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.